Chapter 8 - L'manberg(1)

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"If you can't find an idea for a quote
Then just make one."

- Author San~

Tommy POV

"What The Fuck?"

I said as i saw Dream getting a piggyback ride on Techno

'Wait Dream..?

Dream was with them...?'

Alot of thoughts came into my mind, i kept in remembering the horrible memories Dream gave me on exile...and that time he killed me in the prison..

and that time he killed me in the prison

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It sent shivers down my spine knowing that he's now out of prison but

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It sent shivers down my spine knowing that he's now out of prison but...i just can't seem to hate him as much as i did before..

As i was deep in my thoughts a hand suddenly reached out to my shoulders which suddenly startled me

"So you met our guest"

I looked back and saw Phil

"Y-yeah" i said stuttering again which made me pissed

"Why is he here...?" I asked Phil

"Well, Ghostbur just randomly saw him in the woods with Friend so he brought him back here" Phil answered

"So wha-"


"Techno won't let me down...!!!" A voice screamed

I looked to the direction where the voice came from and realized it was from the Ghost of Dream i stared at him for a second until we made eye contact.

"Oh, h-hi..!" He said as Techno finally let him down

"Hi..." I responded

"Hmm...i recognize you" Dream said quietly but loud enough for me to hear

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