Chapter 7 - Tommyinnit

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"I would like to be forgotten.
What's so good about being remembered?"

- Isabela Rossellini

Philza POV


I was startled as someone called my name very loud so early in the morning, and as i realized it i already knew who would cause a ruckus at this time of the day

I opened the door and answered



'He saw his ghost...?, Doesn't that mean he was in L'manberg first?

How did he end up here..? Getting here from L'manberg takes days to travel..'

"T-tommy how did you meet him..?" I asked him hoping for more information

"M-me and Tubbo just coincidentally met him by chance...he was hiding but he was still near the prison..t-then.."

"Then what..?" I asked hoping for more info

"H-he just disappeared in an instance..!"


I thought more about how he could've learned how to teleport without remembering anything, i was pretty sure he couldn't have remembered how to use his admin abilities..

"Maybe he used his admin abilities...thats the most reasonable explanation to how he did it"

"O-oh yeah.."

Tommy POV

'I seems that I've forgotten about the fact that Dream was also an admin..' Tommy Thought

"Tommy do you maybe wanna come inside? Its pretty cold here outside" Phil asked

"Y-yeah" i responded..

'Why do i keep on stuttering-??' i yelled at myself mentally

Phil POV

At first i contemplated wether to let Tommy in or not, but i decided to let him in because it was freezing outside and i thought he also had the rights to know Ghostdrè is with us because he seemed worried when he suddenly disappeared

As we went in, we sat down by the fireplace. There was an awkward Silence between us bit i broke it by asking him
"So uh, how is L'manberg doing?"

Tommy POV

"So uh, How is L'manberg doing?" Phil asked me because i noticed there was an awkward Silence between us

"W-well, since the day Dream was declared dead, there was a bit of chaos since his death was unexpected but it was handled well by Tubbo and other people. Well i think some people still didn't have any idea about Dream already passing away.."

"As i thought.." Phil Responded

"What?" I asked confusedly

"Oh its nothing" Phil said

"Anyways how have you guys been doing?" I asked him

"Well- there were some problems these past few weeks since uhh some unexpected things happened around the house" Phil Responded

"What unexpected this Phil?" I asked getting suspicious of Phil

"Lets just say we had an unexpected visitor in the house, you'll meet them once i finish making breakfast" Phil Responded

'Unexpected visitor huh, i wonder who it is'

As i was waiting for Phil to finish making breakfast i noticed someone coming down the stairs then i recognized who it was

"Tommy?" Ghostbur asked

"Hey Ghostbur"

"Tommy!" Ghostbur exclaimed as he tackled me into a hug

"Hey Ghostbur long time no see" I told him

"Yeah it has been a long time Tommy, and i also made a new friend!"

"Oh, thats nice where are they?" I asked

"They're with Techno!" Ghostbur responded

'Techno?, Thats wierd Techno doesn't even want me near him since he calls me "annoying" which im not'

"Is something bothering you Tommy?, Here have some blue!"

Ghostbur handed me a blue which i accepted

'But where does he keep on getting these??'

"Thanks Ghostbur" I thanked Ghostbur

"No problem Tommy!" Ghostbur said

"Guys, Breakfast is ready!" Phil yelled to alert everyone including the mysterious visitor, Techno, me and Ghostbur

As i sat down the table i saw Phil holding plates as Ghostbur was holding the food, they set up the food and i grabbed some french toast and pork from the plate and as i was about to dig in and eat I heard some yelling from the stairs.

"TECHNO LET ME DOWN I CAN WALK BY MYSELF!" A slightly familiar voice yelled

"No you're still recovering" Techno said since i recognized his voice

And as i watched the two figures go down the stairs i was surprised with what i saw


And from the looks of it he was... Getting a piggyback ride from Techno????

"What the fuck?"

{E N D} :]

Author's Note:

"Sorry guys it took long for me to write this, i was getting busier because of well ya know 'School' so yeah i might post Chapter
8 next week or maybe tommorow or at Sunday so yehh no drawings today since I don't have the motivation to draw (╥﹏╥)"

Words: 789

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