Chapter 11 - Forgotten Memories

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"Remembering is easy,
Its forgetting thats hard."

- Brodi Ashton

(No songs today bc i can't think of any :,])

Tommy's POV

Dream Apologized to me because he couldn't control Michael from going inside which I don't blame him for since kids are kids (aren't you a child?) I looked at everyone else and i saw their Expressions.

Puffy's reaction was... expected from the start. she just ended up breaking down crying on Niki's shoulders

Bad was tearing up while looking at Ghostdrè.

Tubbo was also looking down probably feeling guilty from all of this.

While Sapnap was looking at Ghostdrè upset while also tearing up and George also looking at Ghostdrè with a guilty and upset look.

I wonder what they're guilty for...

I looked at Ghostdrè trying to see whether he can remember something or someone atleast. But he just looked worried seeing everyone crying.

He scooted over to me and quietly asked "Are they okay...? Why are they sad..." With a confused and yet worried voice

"Well, have Phil and the others told you about who you were...?" I asked him

"N-no... Was i supposed to know?" he asked with a worried voice

I let out a sigh and said "I think its time for you to know about who you were." With a serious voice

Ghostdrè POV

"I think its time for you to know about who you were." Tommy said with a serious voice, which gave me shivers

'What was i like when i was alive...?' I asked myself, 'Was i nice or was i mean..? Is there a reason to why i woke up in that big black box?' alot of questions started to surface in my head which gave me quite a headache.

I looked at the people around me they we're still staring at me which made me uncomfortable. I didn't know them but they all felt familiar once more. Maybe i met them when i was alive..? If i did what was our relationship? More questions popped up in my bead but one question stood out the most to me.

'Why are they so familiar to me?'

I was lost in thought until i heard Tommy call me which broke my trance.

"Ghostdrè come here!" Tommy shouted catching everyones attention

I quickly scooted over to Tommy feeling all the stares direct from Tommy to me.

"So, this is Ghostdrè if you guys don't know he was also known as Dream when he was alive" Tommy explained

'Dream' That was my name when i was alive...right?

"And as you can all see the obvious, he's a ghost.. meaning hes dead like Sam announced a few days ago" Tommy discussed

I looked at everyone observing their Expressions it seemed like when Tommy kept saying the topic where I'm dead or a ghost their Expressions kept on becoming much more sadder and guilty...?

I wonder what they look guilty for. I kept on watching them until i made eye contact with someone.

He had a hood on and he had a skin tone as dark and as beautiful as the night sky, his eyes we're pure white and he wore glasses. As we made eye contact he kept on tearing up, his expression was mostly guilt and sadness...i felt bad for him...i wanted to give him a hug...

I saw his glasses fall off so i went over to him to pick it up and i said "Y-your glasses fell off

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I saw his glasses fall off so i went over to him to pick it up and i said "Y-your glasses fell off.." with a smile

He looked at me with a guilty look then afterwards smiles at me and says "Thank you..." But still with a somewhat sad expression.

I handed his glasses to him and he slowly wore it and smiled and ofcourse I also smiled back at him

I could feel some stares at me but they quickly disappeared when i looked around seeing everyone quickly turn away avoiding making eye contact with me i think?

I quickly brushed it all off and went back to my position behind Tommy as he explained things about me not being able to remember anything and stuff.

As Tommy finished his explanation he took me to everyone, introducing them to me.

But i felt like someone was missing from the group...

I think it was the guy with the goggles and the one with a bandana..? Why did they leave?

Maybe they got bored? I looked around more thinking maybe i could spot them but i couldn't.

"May i ask who you are looking for?" Someone said

I turned to their direction and i saw i saw a very tall guy, he had 2 different colors black and white, he looked really cool the other half looked like...looked like Enderman! Yes an Enderman, but whats an Enderman again?

"I- uhmm hi! You're R-Ranboo right..?" I Stuttered

"Yeah, Thats me, Ghostdrè was it?" He said

"Y-yeah nice to meet you" i responded

"So who were you looking for" he asked once more

"Well i was looking for the guy with the white bandana and the guy with the goggles" i responded

"Ohh, Sapnap and George" He said

"Y-yeah them, i noticed that they suddenly disappeared" I said

"Well thats definitely strange" he said

"Y-yeah.." i responded feeling a slight headache

'George and Sapnap..." I thought

They we the most familiar ones yet..

It's like they were very special to alive me..

I wonder what happened.

Why did they look so guilty..?

It felt like i miss them, it felt like i wanted to apologize for something...

What was it...?

Why does it hurt thinking about them...?


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End . . . :)

Words: 960

"Heyaaa thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long to post i kept on running out of motivation-"

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