Chapter 3 - Familiar People

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"Loneliness is and always has been
The central and inevitable
Experience of every men."

- Thomas Wolfe

??? POv


'That name sounded very familiar...
But i can't remember why...'

Tommy POV

'What..!, Why is he not in prison how is he here-??'

As i stared at him looking at him after 7 months of imprisonment he didn't really change much but i noticed that he was very pale much more pale than Ghostbur, he was shorter? Than before, he was very true thin, his mask was off so you can clearly see the freckles on his face, his used to be shining emerald eyes now dull, he seems to be hugging a cat and...He was floating three inches from the ground-???

How...? Is he..?


I snapped out of my thoughts as i looked at Tubbo who was staring at me with a worried and yet horrified expression.

"Tubbo whats wrong?"

??? POV

They looked worried, but why tho?
Why do they look familiar..?

As i tried to remember who they were and why there were very familiar then i suddenly received a massive headache as small memories flooded my head, blurry memories that i couldn't seem to picture and I couldn't understand what they were saying...

But i recognized they were in the black box i was in..

My head ached really bad to the point where it felt like it was getting half...

'My head hurts... I don't like the pain..
Make it stop..!'

Tommy POV

"Tubbo calm down...! Were gonna solve this i promise"

As i looked at Dream he looked like he was in pain so i asked,

"Dream..?? You okay..?"

As i finished my question, my eyes widened as a flashing light radiated out of Dream's body as he disappears out of nowhere with no traces.

??? POV

Why does it feel...cold? I opened my eyes and to my surprise i was surrounded by white fully cold..snow?


I looked at Patches, forgetting i was holding her and noticed that she was cold so i placed her under my blue green hoodie and moved on.

I looked around and stood up, well floated up

As i looked around i noticed i was near a frozen lake. I was confused and scared, i was just in a warm, colorful green place but now I'm in a large snowy cold place. It seemed like the snow was never ending but im not completely alone since Patches was with me.

As i floated around the cold and vast tundra i noticed the sky was turning dark as the shiny stars started to show themselves one by one

I was fascinated as i sat down still floating over the cold snow with Patches sleeping inside my hoodie as i was trying to count the endless numbers of stars visible to my eyes.

As i was counting the numbers of the stars, and it suddenly rained snow..? I was fascinated by the snow falling into my hands filling it with ow as the bug chunk of snow passes through my hands meaning i couldn't handle the weight of the snow piling up on my hands

And before i knew it, i was getting tired as i yawned tiredly and as i leaned into the large shallow tree still somehow floating over the snow.

As i closed my eyes everything turned dark...

I woke up to Patches licking my face as i was completely buried in snow, so i wriggled my way out of the massive amount of snow burying me and escaped

I looked around and it seemed like i was near a snow forest? so i petted Patches and put her inside my hoodie again as i ventured around the forest until i heard something in the distance..


Ghostbur POV

"Ghostbur be careful out there be sure to not go too far away from the house, or I'll be forced to call Techno or Tommy to come find you just like last time. Phil told me in a fatherly voice

"Phil don't worry, I'll be fine I'm also bringing friend with me so I'm sure we'll be fine" i told Phil to ease his mind as i gave him a blue, Phil sighed as he nodded and told me "Alright Alright, just be careful okay"

"Don't worry Phil I'll be careful!" I exclaimed happily

As i walked out oh the house, i went to Friend's fence to walk around with him.

I noticed that i haven't really gone to the forest because Phil advised me not to, but since i promised Friend to bring him somewhere new i decided to go inside the forest with Friend.

Me and Friend walked around the forest looking at the trees, rocks, branches and sweet berries. Getting Sweet Berries are pretty hard tho since the branches stings but the Sweet Berries tasted really good.

So i decided to grab some sweet berries to bring back to Phil.

??? POV

I stared at the two figures that i saw as i was hiding behind a tree, one of them was floating like me he was wearing a yellow sweater with what seems like a red slash in the middle and a red beanie.

The other one was an animal, it was a sheep whose color was Blue. The guy with the yellow beanie seemed to call the sheep Friend so i assume its the sheep's name.

As i was watching them pick up berries from behind a tree, Patches suddenly decided to somehow jump out of my sweater and ran to them. I shouted "Patches!" by accident as it startled the two figures picking up berries from a distance.

Ghostbur POV

I heard a somewhat familiar voice shouting "Patches" which startled me and Friend. And as i tried to find whoever screamed the name Patches, i saw a figure behind a tree...

"Hello guys i posted part 3 today, my stylus still wasnt here so i decided to finish part 3"

- Author

Words: 1001

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