Chapter 21 - Running Away.

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"Sometimes i wish life was written with pencils so we could erase it and write it all over again."

-Thisuri Wanniarachchi

"Fine" i said to Quackity's 'request' as i was still unsure about was was about to happen...

The crowd was quite confused with the situation, some we're thinking about leaving while some we're worried about the conflict.

"Well then, why don't you read this for me Ghostdrè?" Quackity said as he handed me the revival book.

"Remember, any wrong answer will lead to a horrible solution Ghostdrè.." Quackity said with a glare

I gulped as i held the book that placed alive me through hell inside the dark prison...

I opened the pages to see a complicated and yet familiar text..

I hesitated to read out the contents of the book until Quackity gave his axe a sharp spin making me flinch...

I was scared of the very same axe that tortured alive me..

I hesitantly but carefully read the instructions on how to revive a dead person infront of the crowd.

They we're shocked and surprised about it.

I saw Quackity's smirk as i read through the pages of the book and finally i finished the book till its very last page..

"Signed by Jschlatt..." I spoke as i closed the book.

"Well done Ghostdrè, i thank you for sharing such important information to us.." Quackity stated with a smirk that says he's planning something.

"You did say the last step was to get the Ghost's blood after you kill them before they respawn back right?" Quackity asked

"Y-..yes" I said while slowly walking backwards knowing where all of this was going to..

Due to me backing off i accidentally fell off the platform making me fall on the ground.

"Get Him!" Quackity shouted

I saw some people hastily run off to me so i stood up while feeling the pain of my ankle due to the fall.

I ran limping due to the pain of my ankle but i ignored it an ran full speed running away from everyone.

Quackity's POV

'Dangit' i thought i grabbed my axe ready to run after him until i felt a presence ready to attack me from behind, it was Techno. I successfully blocked his attack using my axe but i was pushed back due to the impact making his axe fling away

"I told you, you'd regret trying to lay a finger on him" Techno said with anger

The crowd was confused and stunned, some we're tempted to help the other while others hesitate.

I searched for my axe and then i looked at Techno in the eyes, I swiftly sprinted to my axe regaining it back and as I pulled it off the ground i felt an overwhelming presence behind me..

I searched for my axe and then i looked at Techno in the eyes, I swiftly sprinted to my axe regaining it back and as I pulled it off the ground i felt an overwhelming presence behind me

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'Fuck!' i thought to, barely managing to block his attack, i felt his netherite sword pierce my hand as i managed to cover my face from his attack.

'So he was really aiming for my fucking face'

As Techno charges at me i observed my surroundings trying to look for something to help me until i remembered i had a potion with me

'Splash Invisibility Potion..'

I had this potion in my pocket since Sapnap was requesting me for one but i forgot to hand it over to him due to this preparation..

I quickly slipped my hand onto my pocket and took out the splash potion, and threw it onto the ground making me and Techno turn invisible

I use this situation as a chance to escape before Techno catches onto the particles of the potion

With Ghostdrè

I ran as far as i can from the pursuers, i did trip and stumble upon some branches and stones due to the fact that i was enduring the pain of my legs.

As i felt myself slowly running out of adrenaline, i hid inside one of the nearby caves in the area.

I sat down while trying to catch my breath, i looked at my left ankle to see blood..

'Ghosts aren't supposed to bleed blood...what is happening...?'

I was confused, at first i was a normal ghost but now..i don't feel like one at all.

I've been remembering Alive Me's memories ever since i met the other me..

I let out a big sigh, is this the side effects of being an admin..?

I can't ask anyone for help right now...or else I'll bring them into this mess.

I guess I'll have to deal with all myself then..

Words: 757

Sorry if i wasn't able to publish for a while haha my motivation to write ran out, and uhh so yea enjoy,

This is the end of season 1, i gotz to think of the story of season 2 hehe so its gonna take some time for me to upload for season 2

But yea when i come back I'll come back with better writing or maybe better are lol

I'll be checking on the other chapters looking for mistaken and such

Bye 👋✨

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