Chapter 2:

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"Your highnesses, we have selected 30 of the most promising girls to go forward for the Alpha challenges. I have documentation and pictures of them all and think you will find them suitable for potential Alpha mates." Jason, My parents' Royal adviser tells them. He really needs to get some new glasses! The black square framed ones he's wearing makes him seem older than he is and isn't doing anything for him. That's probably why he hasn't found himself a mate yet.

"Very good, Jason. Make copies for all the Alphas so they know who they're voting for. Obviously we want to see which females get the interest of which Alphas. And our son will need copies as well." My father tells him. Jason's eyes widened a little.

"The Prince is also seeking a mate this year?" 

"Yes. It's about time he found a mate. He can not have the title of King until he is mated. My time is coming to an end and as we have the Alpha selection this year he can participate. Now get it done, we only have an hour until the selection starts, make sure their names are at the top so they are chosen. And no one is to find out who he is. He will go by his Alpha  alias like every other time. You are the only being that knows who he truly is. It will stay that way until he is king. Now get it done!" My father commands. 

I hate that he's making me mate before he will crown me. I don't want or need a mate. I'm happy fucking whatever pussy I want. Not that having a mate will stop me. But my father's other demand is that I produce an heir first as well. So I need to mate and knock the bitch up as soon as possible. He thinks I might meet my true mate in a human as no she-wolf seems to make the cut. The mood goddess must think she's funny or something. I mean pairing me! The next fucking Alpha King with a lowly human. Yeah it's not going to happen, I'm not going to meet my true mate anyway. We rarely do, which is why this maiden selection was introduced.

We only have an Alpha selection when there are multiple Alphas looking for mates. And with a lot stepping down to let their sons take over, they too need to find mates before their fathers will pass the mantle. They, unlike me, are probably looking forward to it. But alas I must do as my father says. Unless I wish to challenge him directly,  and I don't, he's a vicious mother fucker.  That's where I get it from but I don't wish to harm him. He's just annoyingly aware of the fact I will only mate if he forces my hand. As he knows I will not challenge him. I love the bastard.

"Father, must I really go through with this nonsense? I do not need a mate nor do I want one. Please be reasonable, I'm only 280 years old. I have plenty of time to find a mate and settle down when I'm 350! Why must I do it now?" I huff, looking at his amused expression. 

"Because I said so. Your 280 not 100, act like it. You've been having sex with every available female for years now. It's time. You won't understand or appreciate your kingship without a Queen at your side. I was like you, though I knew it all. That I didn't need nor want your mother. I swore I would pick one and be done with it so my father would pass it to me. And still carry on with another woman. But your mother ensnared me. I haven't touched another since mating her. You will find the same happening to you even if you do not want it. Fight all you want but in the end the goddess will seal your fate." He says as he looks at my mother fondly, reminiscing about the time they met. Barf! 

"Father. No woman will have that effect on me I'm sure of it. How about this then. If I don't find one that has this effect on me. Then I can wait until the next Alpha challenge. But you will still crown me King without a Queen by my side!" I say smugly. If he agrees, I won. Because I can be king and not mate someone I don't want to. And none of these human females will be worthy I'm sure. He scrutinises my face for a few moments them with a smug smile on his face he say

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