Chapter 43

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It isn't until I've finished talking to the twins that I remember his dad wasn't setting up a meeting with the Alpha's, he was talking to Jason about my parents. Kade was supposed to speak to the Alpha's when we went to see the girls. Jake and Josh are super excited about dressing me, as I've told them they're the professionals and will be the ones helping me hide my bump, which will start showing in roughly 5 weeks! I don't think it's really sunk in yet. I'm having baby's. Or pups as everyone else keeps calling them. 

When I tell Kade we're done and going to head to see the girls. He goes all fucking possessive and tells me in no uncertain terms, I'm not to go anywhere without him. So the twins start their search for clothes on their phones while I sit, sighing every now and then getting bored! 

"Arya. I'm bored. Talk to me"
"About what? I'm fuckjing bored too you know"
"I don't know…. What do you think the baby's will be? I'm kind of hoping for a mini Kade, though having a mini me would be badass"
"Hmmm. Kade and Asher are fucked if they're mini versions of you" That makes me laugh.
"Don't I know it!. I don't think they thought this through" She laughs with me and then I find myself picturing what they will look like and daydreaming about having a family. I find I'm looking forward to it more and more. I feel sorry for the mothers that have to wait for 30-40 weeks to have their baby's in their arms. 

"Love" Kade gets in my face and cups my cheeks. I blink at him, coming away from my little family fantasy.

"Everything OK?" I ask

"You tell me, baby. I've called you about 5 times"

"You have? Sorry I was…" Wait a minute, do I want to tell him I've been thinking about all this baby stuff? Is it not weird when I'm only just pregnant?

"You were what?" He asks.

"I was just daydreaming. So I didn't hear you" He sits and pulls me over to his lap.

"What were you thinking about? Because you had a tender and blissful look on your face" I feel my face heat up and no doubt look like a bloody tomato. How long was he watching me?

"Aww. Now you have to tell me"

"No I don't. Let's go" I try to stand but he keeps my hips pinned down.

"Please tell me," I roll my eyes.

"I was thinking about our baby's and how much trouble you're in if they're anything like me. Can we go now?" He laughs and says

"I'm sure we'll manage. Are you looking forward-"

"Extremely. I was thinking I'm lucky I only have to wait 5 months. I hope you don't mind but I dont want to know the sex. I want it to be a surprise" I say, getting excited and feeling happy talking to him about it. I don't know why I was so worried. They're his kids too. He's probably been thinking the same things I have.

"Anything you want, love. Come on, let's go see the girls. Then we can take a walk around our territory so you can familiarise yourself with everything and everyone. The girls will be joining us as it's part of the trials" He kisses me and then lifts my hips so I'm standing.

"What's the trial?" He side eyes me and says

"It doesn't matter and as you still want to do this part of it, we will just see how you do. Now come. We have 10 minutes before we need to take this walk around" I take his offered hand and walk out the door and head towards the training grounds.

When we get there the girls are fighting with their coordinator's. We stand at the side and watch, Kade pulling me in front of him, wrapping his arms around me. I pay attention to what they need help with and things I can teach them that they haven't learnt. When I see Ren get knocked to the floor for the 3rd time, Chris steps forward and says

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