Chapter 8

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For fuck sake. Why, oh why did I let him get to me! As soon as I knew he was watching and where he was, my body lit up and I couldn't control myself! I had to get to him. Stupid fucking bonding and marking shit! And seriously! I fucking stripped down for him and fucking started grinding on him!. Oh god how embarrassing. Though I suppose he didn't fucking mind one bit did he?! even made me see fucking stars several times. Hell I might just fucking die when he fucks me. 

What am I thinking? When he fucks me? He's not going to! And what was I thinking? I suppose that's the fucking problem though, I wasn't thinking. As soon as he touches me it's like all my reason and logic fly out the fucking window! But not just that, having to wait to be called through was torture. I was fucking itching to get back to him that even Jake and Josh commented on my fidgeting and I didn't really hear a word they said to me. And the arsehole was right. I didn't want to leave, I felt the need to be around him and as soon as I opened that bloody door my chest started to hurt! It's driving me fucking nuts! And like hell I'm going to let him think he was right!

I bend and snatch my clothes off the floor and walk back into the other room, hissing when I feel some glass cut into my feet. Note to idiot self, put fucking shoes back on when about to walk over glass! I see some people are starting to sweep the glass towards that room, cleaning up the mess I made and I hurry through the doors that are now propped open and start making my way to find Josh and Jake. Hopefully I can actually listen this time. And he said something about going back in an hour? What's that mean? I don't want to be around him any more than I have to be.

There are guards and I see arsehole number 2 along with some others, all throughout the hall talking and doing whatever the fuck it is they do. Arsehole number 2 looks me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped at him.

"My soon to be property! He can enjoy you for now, I wanted him to have a taste before I took you from him. It will make it all the more sweeter. Especially when he has no choice but to watch as I teach you to obey me. I'd have preferred you a virgin, it would have driven him mad if I was to be your first. Oh well" He says with delight, utterly pleased with himself as if he's won something! 

"Oh! You're serious! Hahaha ha. I hate to break it to you. But I'm no one's property! And if you seriously think you will get me over him, you're delusional. But look your fill because you'll never get to touch me for as long as he's breathing. He won't allow that, he'd kill you. And what do you mean by a virgin? I didn't fucking sleep with him! Are you insane! I don't even like him." I tell him

"You're wearing his top and you stink of him! And you're telling me you haven't slept with him? Bullshit!" He says sceptically.

"Believe what you want, I really don't care! Bye now!" Fucking arsehole. I don't get far before I'm starting to struggle with going any further with his stupid fucking top on. Now that Jaxon has made me aware of it, I can smell him even more. Why does he have to smell like my favourite things? Pine, books and thunderstorms, it's so fucking unfair. So not giving a shit about the others being around, as I'm sure they've seen a naked woman before, so me in just panties shouldn't be a big deal! And It's only for the few seconds it takes me to put my clothes on anyway. I remove his top and I've literally just got it over my head when I hear a deep resonating growl that makes my body sing and I look up to see what caused it. Though I already know, with how my body reacted.

I'm so fucking dead! He wasn't supposed to come this way. Shit. Shit. Shit. What should I do? I pull his top down to cover my chest and start walking backwards as he starts in my direction and he does not look happy, he looks fucking feral and possessive. Grate, just what I fucking need. I just really wanted out of his top! Stupid Jaxon and his big fucking mouth. He probably said that shit to me on purpose, knowing it would and was driving me crazy! I don't think it will quell Kade's anger if I tell him that though! And if that wasn't bad enough this stupid fucking bond he's set Into motion is making me want him more and more. 

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