Chapter 38:

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Chapter 38:


I wait a few minutes before throwing the covers off of me and chucking on Kades top and some shorts. I'm kind of in a hurry so don't care about what I'm actually wearing. I poke my head out the door and listen, not hearing anyone in the house. So I hurry through the hall down the stairs and out the door. I constantly check over my shoulder as I know I'm apparently always being watched. Not that I care, I'm going to claim what's mine. Enough is enough and I've had enough with people stopping me and not listening. 

I walk with purpose through the streets using the bond to guide me again. I receive stares but I don't give a shit. Then I'm back in the main building and back in the punishment room. I feel the pull but it leads me to a wall. I look around as the entrance must be hidden, but when I hear feet coming this way I duck down behind a unit. If it's Kristo he might try and stop me. Though if he would just listen I'm sure he wouldn't care and would be happy to know I'm going to finally mate with Kade. 

I see that arsehole Jaxon comes into view and press myself into the unit more so that he doesn't notice me and watch as he presses on a particular wall panel. I hear a soft click and then with a hiss the wall opens and he walks through. It starts to shut, so I jump up and race through in the nick of time and follow behind him as stealthily as possible. He's going the way the pull is leading me, so he must be going to see Kade. But why? He walks for a while and I notice that cell after cell is locked, but I can see they are empty. 

He starts speaking and then disappears into a cell. I keep back, hidden in the shadows as it's not very lit down here, thankfully. I stand and listen to him taunting Kade and get fucking angry at the amount of shit that's spewing from his mouth, his arse must be jealous. Arya wants to rip him apart and I'm with her but that will have to wait. I'll show him I'm no easy prey. And Kade's right. I'd never mate with Jaxon, not even if he was the last man on earth. I almost scoff, giving myself away when he makes out he has some moronic claim on me, due to seeing me first.

Then he says he will give me no choice by hurting those I love! And this time Arya surges forward and stops me going and fucking him up. How dare he! I simmer down when he starts laughing and I see his head as he comes out. In a panic, he will see me, I run back the way I came as there's nowhere for me to hide and hear as Kade roars something about Jaxon touching me again. He must have been able to smell me and then when I ran because Jaxon left, it would have come across as him smelling of me. Shit! I get back to the wall and have no clue how to fucking release it. As I search I find a small crevice in the rock and squeeze Into it having no time to find the stupid release button. luckily, i fit. It's tight, but manageable.

I hear the footsteps and hold my breath. When a hand reaches around into the crevice, feeling around. I have to move my head back and out of his reach. Then there's a click and the hiss of the wall. Fucking typical it was where I decided to hide, but at least now I know. After a moment I squeeze out, grazing my side on a particularly jagged and narrow part of the wall. 

I hurry back down towards Kade, and when I hear him roar I pick up the pace. I can hear the rattle and clank of chains and then turn to see him in a rocky cell and I'm now really pissed off at myself and Kristo for putting him down here. Kade snaps the chain as I rush through the door that Jaxon left open and I fling myself at him. He catches me, but falls to the floor, as I press my lips to his. When I break away, I apologise.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I've been trying to tell you I'm ready. I'm yours. I don't want to wait any longer" He looks at me like he's not sure I said what I said.

"What was that, love?" His eyes light up with excitement, hoping. 

"I said.. I'm ready to mate with y-umm" He smashes his lips to mine and he stands, but when he starts towards the door I put my legs down to stop him. I don't need him to take me anywhere. He looks at me confused as to why I stopped him so I tell him.

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