Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:


Why the fuck did that hurt so much? After a minute the pain dulls to an ache. I think well, I got what I wanted. Because I no longer have the uncontrollable urge to go to him. It's still there but I feel like the bond has fractured making it less intense. The guys look at me and express their concern but I stand and reassure them I'm fine. The doors open behind me and I don't bother to turn and see who it is. But when the grating voice of that bitch reaches my ears I turn to look at her. Seeing that mark on her neck fills me with a fury like I've never felt before and it's directed at her and Kade.

"That was stupid of you. I hope you realise the repercussions that the King was referring to is that Alpha Kade will most likely want me now. The marking is wolf based and they want what they mark. You should have accepted, I'm glad you didn't because now he's mine. But you will feel pain everytime we touch, and I plan to touch him...alot" That's it!. The Bitch has got it coming. I push out of Josh's arms and swing my fist at her pretty face. I hear the crack and am satisfied when blood starts gushing from her nose. She falls to the floor holding her nose and I'm about to dive on her and hit her again but Jake grabs me around the waist restraining me.

"Argh. Fucking let me go, Jake!" I could get away from him, but I'd have to hurt him and I really don't want to do that.

"She's taunting you on purpose. Do you want to be punished too?" He says panting with exertion as he tries to keep ahold of me. I keep thrashing in his arms trying to get loose, kicking out at the bitch as she stands with a smirk on her face.

"There isn't anything anyone can do to punish me that's worse than this! So. Let. Me. Fucking. Go" I break free and go straight at her. In my fury I'm not really thinking clearly and she side steps me also bringing her hand up to slap me. But she's just adding fuel to the fire. The bitch is going down. I sweep my leg around knocking her off her feet. She lands with an ompf and taking advantage of her still being down, I straddle her lap and start to swing.

Buuuut it doesn't have the impact I want, I don't miss, but I was hoping to make her think twice about taunting and smirking at me by thoroughly smashing it off her face. But strong arms come around my waist and hoist me off of her.

"Woah, woah, woah, love. What is going on?" Kade demands. I struggle to get out of his arms for a moment but smash my foot into his knee making him let go of me and I whirl around and shove him, almost knocking him to the floor.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I scream at him. He looks hurt. Good. now he might feel a little how I do.

"Kyah... I didn't want to do that. But you gave me no choice! What did you expect-"

"Don't give me that shit. There's always a choice! You could have refused-"

"HOW? it was a direct command from my King! No wolf can break a direct command from those stronger than them" That makes me laugh out loud in disbelief.

"BULLSHIT! I know who you are Kade. And if you seriously think I believe for one second that you couldn't have stopped that shit... did you do it on purpose? Were you hoping it would make me want you? Well it didn't work out the way you wanted it, did it? In fact let's see how you like it shall we..." I stormed over to Jaxon who was picking Cherri up off the floor. I know I'll regret this later, but I'm too angry to care right now. I shove her out of the way and Jaxon looks excited now. With a triumphant smirk at Kade, Jaxon licks his lips as I pull my hair to the side, exposing my neck to him.

"KYAH!... Jaxon, don't you fucking dare, touch her!" But it's too late. Jaxon sinks his teeth Into my neck. He grabs my arse pulling my core into his, letting me know just how hard he is and annoyingly (as my brain is repulsed) I feel a little aroused. Stupid marks. I didn't realise I'd feel this way by letting him bite me. But it's too late now. I don't know what happens to Kade but I do hear him grunt in pain and hope he feels what I felt. Jaxon releases my neck and is just about to kiss me when I'm yanked back.

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