Chapter 11

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When I get out the door, I can't take the sticky, damp panties clinging to me where he cum all over me. So I quickly stripped them off and chucked them in a bin that was luckily just outside the door. He is such a fucking dick. I hate this blasted top even more than the sticky panties and plan to burn it as soon as possible. I'm making my way, I hope, back to Jake and Josh and as I'm walking, all the guards and other shifters I pass, first stare, then their eyes widen slightly as they then show their necks and look down. What the fuck is that about?

I see Jaxon up ahead with a girl I recognise, from the selections. She has long, ash blonde hair down in waves, bright blue eyes, and pouty lips. She's about 5.2 and quite pretty. She's looking up at him with huge, lust filled eyes. I just don't get it! And would like to avoid that... whatever that is. So with my head down I try to go around them and appear as invisible as possible. I should have known that was impossible with this arshole. I hear him sniff a few times then his grating voice as he says.

"What the?... Ahhh Kyah. You smell even more like him now. It's disgusting really, the way he acted. He could have killed you, you know. Luckily I was there to stop him. Don't worry though, I can rid you of his disgusting scent as well when I mark you. Which will happen. So try not to fuck him this evening. If you were being truthful earlier about not having done that yet, I would like you first" He totally ignores the girl he pushed to the side to speak to me and who is now shooting daggers at me. Like I want his attention. No thanks. She can have it.

"Ahh... arsehole number 2. Still smelling just as repugnant yourself. And who said I was worried? Because I'm not, I'd rather have him than you, so if I choose to fuck him. Well It's my choice. Not yours and you most definitely will not be having me first. In fact what makes you think you will have me at all? Especially when Kade won the bidding? Or do you arseholes pass your mates around? I'm warning you now, my vagina is off limits to both of you, so If either of you even think of touching or doing that.... I'll chop both your nut sacks off. Capiche! Won't be needing mates at all then will you" I sneer and move to go past him but he gets in my way and starts crowding me back into the wall. He then slams one of his hands to the left side of my head and leans into my face. I look him right in the eyes, not cowering away like he expects I'm sure.

"Don't be rude, Kyah. I really am going to enjoy taming yo-" he cuts off and hums with enjoyment whereas I gasp in shock. I was totally not expecting him to lift Kades top and press his hand against me. He smirks in delight when he finds I'm bare beneath the top and the sick fuck even swipes a finger through my folds which snaps me out of the shock and I punch him in the face.

"Don't fucking touch me! How many times do I have to tell you? Next time I really will fucking rip your dick off. Or maybe I should just tell Kade, see what he thinks about you touching what's his" He growls and bares his teeth at me, but doesn't comment or touch me again, before he then storms off the way I came. I then carry on and as I go past the girl I say

"I'd avoid that one if I were you" I'm about to head through another door when I hear her say

"Well you're not me. And you're only saying that because you want them for yourself. You're making yourself hard to get, which is making them want you more. Don't think I don't see right through you. They are wolves and like a challenge, you're using that to your advantage. Well played. But when they both fuck you, as I hear there's a trial where that can happen. They will both be over it and find themselves a real mate. Which is where I come in. I'm hoping for Alpha Kade but... Alpha Jaxon is just as good I suppose. So watch your back because I'm coming for Alpha Kade'' When she says she's after Kade I almost attack the bitch and just manage to reign it in when she tells me to watch my back. Who does this girl think she is? He's fucking mine and I will rip her hair out if she fucking touches him.

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