Chapter 15

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When that son of a bitch marked her. I saw red. How fucking dare he. I don't care that she offered her neck to him. Because If a female is marked by their true mate and they expose their neck to another, they will see and smell the marking and the urge to automatically bite isn't there. The second he let's go I rip her away from him.

Lets not forget coming out to find her about to hit the female I just marked. I pull her off of Cherri and she screeches at me. When she tells me not to touch her, I hate it. I didn't want to mark Cherri. But I was hoping she would accept me so I didn't have to. I felt her pain as I marked another. Not as strongly as I was the one that did the marking, but fuck if she didn't just put me through the same thing when she let Jaxon mark her.

When she makes the comment of knowing who I am, I know she means that I'm the Prince. That was obvious from when she made the 'dad' comment. But I do have to listen to him if he gives me a direct order, I can't break it. But she totally called me out on hoping it would make her want me.

When I have hold of her I rage that I'll kill Jaxon if he touches her again and that she just needs to accept me, then this shit won't happen. Asher is already smashing at me to gain control and Jaxon has to open his mouth and make him ten times worse. I am so tempted to let Asher rip his throat out. And I tell him that. But he answers back and comments about her being a prize. She's not a prize. She's my fucking mate. And when he comments about being able to take Asher on and Kyah being his. That's it I snap and Asher breaks through.

That sorry son of a bitch is going to regret goading me. I hear my mate tell him to fuck off and when she almost slips calling me her mate I want to growl and mount her, then and there. Let him watch and see she's mine and belongs to me. And then I'm back to fucking angry when she tells me she doesn't want to be near Kade. I start shaking ready to unleash my anger on him or her. Him ill kill, her... well she's about to fucking learn that she can no longer turn her back on me. I can make her delirious with a simple bite and she accepted me. There's no going back for her now.

Then she tells me to calm down and not listen to what he's been saying! Oh my silly, fiesty little mate. No one challenges me. And no one gets to claim her but me, either. I'll never let her go now that she accepted me. I just need to get her to accept Kade now. I tip her head and see that repulsive mark. Leaning over her I scrape my teeth ready to bite and cover Jaxons one, when I'm brought up short. As the strong commanding voice of my father has me freezing

"ASHER, STOP" Pulling back, I look at him and glare. This is his fault as much as Jaxons.

"I can't. And you shouldn't have made me mark a female that isn't mine. You knew this would happen, old man. Now I must reclaim what's mine" I growl. She's mine and I won't just let her keep a mark from someone else.

"Give Kade back control. Now" He demands. What are the chances of me doing this and being satisfied before he stops me. I look into Kyahs eyes and decide. Fuck it. I'm going to do it regardless, she's my mate and he can't stop me. That's why Kade hasn't even tried to take control back yet, not that I'd relinquish it. He wants it just as much as I do.

"Asher. Please don't do this. Give Kade back control" She doesn't even want him yet so why would i do that. She thinks he will stop me. Well she's dead. wrong. Gritting my teeth, I roar..

"NOOO" then getting a fistful of her hair I tug her head back and sink my teeth Into her and like every other time she cums for me. thank fuxk Jaxon didn't have the same effect on her and goddess does she smells good. which sets me into a frenzy. I bite her again and she cries out. her smell gets so strong, it must be dripping out of her. When she jumps up and locks her legs around my waist, I release her hair and catch her, feeling her smooth, bare arse upon my hands and I squeeze pulling her into me and growling I bite into her again.

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