Chapter 1:

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Hi. I'm a human. My name is Kyah and every year maidens are randomly selected. And it's a mandatory thing. You have to abide by the rules and laws or face the consequences. Which is prison. You know that film 'The Hunger Games'? It's like they're reaping, though it's called the maidens selection. And we don't fight to the death. No, don't be silly. It's to be put up for auction for shifters to buy for breeding. That's right. BREEDING!

Can you believe that shit? Well lucky me this is my last year that I have to enter. Its supposed to be a bloody honour.....well I say fuck you! Some honour it is to be mounted until you reproduce to have the whole thing start all over again once you've had the sprog!! No romance. No love. Just sex and baby's! They don't even have to talk to you for fuck sake. But you have to marry them. They have to 'mate' with you. You can't conceive otherwise. You could be the true mate to one of them. If you're lucky enough to be bought by said true mate I guess. Psshhtt! It really is a load of bollocks if you ask me.

But hey. I'm onlying going by what the decree tells you. Which is something every girl gets on her 16th birthday. This all comes from the human race now being dominated and run by shifters. Now I didn't really pay attention in history class but like donkeys years ago, there was a huge war where all the humans were fighting over something or other, and the shifters took sides with one side and helped them win the war. The humans being so grateful, elected them into leadership. And I'm talking about King and Queen status. Well they already were in their peoples eyes but now in the eyes of the humans too. Then so many years down the line, this stupid fucking madien selection was introduced and passed as a law. They have their own females of course, but this is their way to have humans and shifters integrated. So everyone gets along. I thought that was already happening. So I don't really get this need for the reaping! Yeah that's what It should be called. The men want to be one of them and the girls already pine over them. The guys like the female shifters too of course, who wouldn't. But I think it should be our choice to be a part of it. Not have it forced upon us.

We may outnumber them. But they are physically and mentally and fucking everything-ally stronger than us. So once you're chosen it's till death do you part, baby. But that's only for me. If he dies I can choose someone else, sure. Otherwise I'm solely his property. He can bang as many cunts as he likes. But I have to be faithful as the breeder! Well I'm not down for that shit at all. And if I was ever selected I'm gonna give the poor bastard Hell, that's for sure. He will regret the day he BOUGHT me. I'm no one's property no matter what the law says! As long as I go and do my duty I can behave however the fuck I want. If I want to bite, kick and scream. I'm well within my rights to do so. They can't force themselves on you either so I'm gonna be extra difficult, and resist their shifter charms and gifts. And I only say no love and shit because let's face it, I don't want to be here and doubt I could love someone that's bought me! I don't know how anyone could. Though I suppose it can happen. OK so maybe I'm one of the rare few that doesn't agree with this whole ridiculously stupid thing. A Lot of girls gush over the opportunity to mate with a shifter because they're hot. Like insanely fucking hot. If you're into that sort of thing.

And as far as I'm concerned all men are disgusting pigs. They don't want love, they wanna stick it anywhere and everywhere. They're all the fucking same human and shifter alike. So they can go screw themselves. Because after this year's selection, I plan to pack my bags and travel. Once you age out they give you a lump of money and call it compensation for making you stay put for the 12 years, you're not allowed to do anything! It's like, Here take all this money as now you've wasted over a quarter of your life, and didn't get the honour of becoming a breeder, you can go off gallivanting! Buy the house you always wanted! Wanna go have sex? have at it!! Yeah I'm a 28 year old virgin.

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