Chapter 25

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Holy shit that hurt. I saw the whip coming down and didn't think. I just threw myself on his back. It even took me a minute to realise it was me screaming. I may have burst his eardrum with that one. Then he roars at me

"WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOU THINKING, KYAH? ARE YOU CARZY." I don't answer because I'm thinking the same thing right now. I must be crazy, who throws themselves infront of a fucking whip laced with silver. Though I'm thinking Katea lied to me. It felt more like blades. I can feel Kade's whole body vibrating with his rage, good thing I'm holding on tight otherwise he'd probably be killing some fuckers right now. Then he wants me to tell him if I'm OK! What an idiot. I tell him as such and that his mum told me they were laced not bladed and that it fucking hurts. Then he has to go and think he's clever by saying

"And here I thought you didn't like me enough to care. But you shouldn't have gotten in the way, love. I was fine with receiving my punishment." I laugh, because if I don't I might just cry. And he may have been fine with it, but I sure as hell wasn't. No we needed to protect what's mine.

"You're damn right we did!" Argh! You're so annoying. But that is what I tell him, after I call him an arsehole that is. I mean I get it, he was trying to lighten the mood and make it seem less serious than it is, so I don't panic. But it's too late for that and the adrenaline is starting to leave my body.

Then he asks me who 'we' is! I have no clue what he's going on about, I don't remember saying we. I don't really remember much after that, but white noise. My eyes are starting to feel heavy as is my body, so I nuzzle my face into his neck, his scent soothing me and giving in to the heaviness dragging me down, I black out.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Urgh. Not that incessant beeping again. It's giving me a headache and I must be laying on Kade, because with each rise and fall of his bare chest I move with him. I can't complain, I'm extremely comfortable and I'm on the verge of being lulled back to sleep. And where are my clothes? I swear every chance he gets he has me naked. Then everything comes back to me. Me running to get to him, throwing myself on him and the excruciating pain of the whip as it sliced across my back. I sit up abruptly wanting to see the damage and cry out at the pain that shoots through me. Fuck! Maybe I should have gone slowly. I'm falling back down and at the same time Kade wakes at my cry of pain and we crash in the middle, butting heads.

"Holy shit! What is your head made of? Concrete?" I exclaim
"Fuck. Baby, I'm sorry. Are you OK?" He asks hands hovering over me not knowing where to touch. I fall into his arms and mumble against his bare chest.

"No.... My back is killing me and now my head feels like it's been split open. And take these stupid wires off of me please" I answer as I rub my face over him. My god, what am I doing?

"Sorry, you cried out and I panicked. Let me go get the Doctor." He says and starts to move from under me. I groan and put my arms either side of him to stop him and say

"Urgh. Can't you just do it? Please? What time is it anyway?"

"If you're asking because of the lunchen, it's been going on for about an hour now. We're exempt this time. So don't worry about it." He replies as he gently removes the sticky pad things monitoring my heart rate and shit.

"I'm not worried. I am annoyed that I'm missing it though. When will I meet everyone? And lay down properly, I'm still tired. So take advantage, which we both know you're good at and sleep with me. And I mean sleep, not sexy time... and don't roll your eyes at me. I know you were thinking about it or about to make some witty remark." I shake as he chuckles and ever so carefully he wraps his arm around me. And it's not long before I'm back to sleep.

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