Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:


It makes no sense. How do I have a wolf? And how am I able to override a command? None of us have an answer. So Kade totally changes the subject back to the trials and pleads with me to not stay in them. Saying I don't need to do them and can observe and do all the non physical stuff which I'm actually fine with. So when he pleads again, I give in.

"Love, please just-"

"Urgh, fine. If it will make you happy.. then fine. No more trials. But I am going to Show the girls some fighting techniques and help them both anyway I can. Doc, is there a reason I'm pregnant so soon? And don't tell me it's all the unprotected sex. Because it's been 2 frigging days-"

"More like 3, love." Kade interrupted 

"What?" I ask, now confused.

"We've been mating for over 2 days, so it's more like 3" Urgh. Seriously? Eye roll. I swear sex is all he thinks about.

"Fucking semantics, Kade. My point is, who gets pregnant this soon after mating? Surely that's not normal?" I turn to the Doctor and she looks thoughtful before replying.

"No. I suppose it is not normal. The reason mates lock themselves away for 2 weeks is because it can take that long, sometimes longer to fall and as you should know, we can't conceive without first being mated. And by the scan I'd say you fell during your actual mating. I think this may be down to your lineage, who were your parent's?" That doesn't make sense to me and I fail to see how it's relevant, but OK.

"Are you shitting me? During our mating? And my mum's name was Hayley Slater. I have my biological dad's last name but couldn't tell you who he is, because I don't know. He left when mum was pregnant with me. Could it not be because I didn't mate with him straight away" I tell them.

"It could have something to do with it. We can't rule it out, but I don't know" The doctor says. 

"And you don't know your father's first name? We could check our archive's and find him" Kristo asks.

"My dad's name was Landon. But No, she alway refused to tell me my sperm donors name when I brought him up. Told me that I had to have his last name just in case. But again she never told me what the just in case was about. And eventually I stopped asking. Can't you go by the last name alone?" I ask. Everyone looks like they are trying to put a puzzle together but the pieces don't fit. They don't realise there's 2 puzzles in the box, so it may take a while.

"I shall have Jason do some research on the last name and get back to you when I have something"

"Ok, great"

"What about Arya? Does she know anything? How long did you say she's been with you?" Kade asks. 

"She's always been with me apparently, but she didn't… manifest until I met you. And she doesn't really know anything"

"Alright. Let's get you dressed properly, and get some food in you. The pups need nourishment and I've been lax in my duties as your mate over the last few days" Kade says as he walks over and takes my hand. 

"Just the last few days?" I retort with a smirk. He chuckles and pulls me into him, kissing me. I melt and find I'm getting turned on, is this ever going to calm down?

"Before you go, I have some things for you. Take these ones, once a day. And this one twice a day. You may get sickness, it does happen, even to us wolves. And as they grow so fast they zap your energy so make sure to drink and eat plenty. And rest. And before you ask, yes sexual activity is perfectly safe as long as you do all of the things I just said, and with your hormones about to go into overdrive you will probably bounce around with your emotions and they will be amped up even more so being that you're carrying twins. I also wish to see you every week, as I don't know if any of you know this, but being that you're both wolves and Kade is of royal blood… Well, although we have twins among our kind they've only ever been born from humans. I've never known 2 wolves to have multiple pregnancies. So I will be keeping a closer eye on you and maybe keep the twin part to yourselves for now" My hands automatically cover my stomach and Kade pulls me Into him more.

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