Chapter 5

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Im so fucking mad! What a Complete and utter dick! I storm off down where all the other girls went, knowing I'm now running late.

"Sweetie. You shouldn't have done that! He's the strongest Alpha our kind has right now. Other than the king and Prince, that is. He could punish you for what you just did! You need to b-"

"Seriously, Josh. I couldn't give a fuck who he is" I fume. 'Yeah right, stop lying to yourself' my conscious snarks at me. But I don't care! it was my body responding to his, nothing more. He's the sexiest man I've ever met. What do you expect?

'Yeah but you've never responded to any other man the same way' my conscience starts arguing with me. And? I snark right back.

'And as soon as he grabbed your throat, your body lit up with the most amazing tingles.' So! Yes they went straight to my clit, hence the arousal.

'Yeah let's not forget that you wanted nothing more than for him to sink his teeth into you.' But again that was just a reaction to his body! Shut up conscious, no one asked you for your opinion. It won't happen again so fuck off.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew how ruthless he was. But you're late! Go through this door, all the males will be lined up either side with their hands held out, palms up. Just run your fingers or hand over there slowly one at a time on both sides. If they ask to kiss you it means they think you're their true mate. If he is you should feel the bond and sparks kick in-" Jake starts to explain

"But how will I know?" I ask

"Trust me, you'll know the difference, if they are or not. If you find yours that's great. You should move onto the mating. But the Alpha selection is this year and anyone can challenge your mate for the right to mate with you. Depending on who wins depends on who gets to mate you. It's a fight to the death or until the other submits" Jake States

"Wait! What the fuck is the Alpha selection? Why isn't any of this shit explained-"

"We don't have time, go!" Josh pushed me through the door as Jake opened it and all eyes turned to me. I Won't let them see how nervous I am, so with my head held high I walk upto the first 2 that have their palms up, seeing the last of the girls half way down the line and guards in their blue uniform spaced out between every 10 men. I press my fingers to first the left then the right and feel nothing. They just leer at me. Men are disgusting, I swear they don't care about anything but sex! Gritting my teeth I go on to the next 2 and get the same reactions from them.

This goes on and on, all the same. I'm almost to the end of the line when I see that arsehole from the closet with a smirk on his face. I'm still pressing my hands, left then right and when I press on the next hand on the left I feel a tiny tingle in the palm of my hand. I look back to see a ruggedly good looking man with a square jaw, dark blue eyes and facial hair. His smile starts to widen and he stands.

"I believe you may be mine. May I?" I really want to say no as I look at the arsehole from earlier. He doesn't look happy at all, I even hear a deep growl come from him. I smile and turn back to ruggedly handsome and say

"The names Kyah. And you are?" I bat my eyes at him. I'm only doing this to piss that dick off.

"Oh I know who you are. I'm Alpha Jaxon. So may I kiss you? I don't know if it was explained but when-" he starts but I cut him off with a fake girly giggle and say

"It was explained. You're very handsome" I look down to appear timid. I want to gag at how I'm behaving. I'd rather tell him to fuck himself. He replies with

"Thank you Kyah. Your very beautiful yourself" I look up at arshole Kade when I say

"You, Alpha Jaxon, have my permission" I smirked at him before turning back to Jaxon. He notices the exchange but just smiles and leans towards me. When his lips touch mine I feel nothing. But he grabs my head and really starts kissing me. I was expecting just the peck on the lips! I try to pull away but he won't let go. I hear a louder, more feral growl from you know who, as Jaxon tries to stick his tongue down my throat. Realising he won't let go. I use my hands and push them between his wrists and my face and push them out. At the same time I suck his lip into my mouth and bite down hard, also catching the tip of his tongue. He rears back with a hiss and touches his lip. His finger comes away with blood on it and his face is twisted in anger.

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