Chapter 22

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I storm away from her, angry that she's still pushing. Everytime I think I'm getting through to her, she goes and does something like that. I could have just taken her to my mother and I'm sure she'd have been fine. What would help would be her fully accepting me. She would feel it still sure but it wouldn't be that bad. And she needs to be able to take part in the trials. Unless she mates with me, that is.

Me and my father are just about to head through the main doors of the building, when I feel a pull. I stumble a little not sure how the fuck she's doing that, but I need to get back to her, she's calling to me.

"Kade? What is it?"

"I'm sorry, I'll be just a moment" I left him standing there confused as I rushed back the way I came and burst through the double doors back at the courtyard. Asher surges to the surface, worried that she's in trouble. We stop with our hands holding the doors open and look up to see our mother talking. Their booth has some magical shit around it, keeping it soundproof so I can't hear what she's saying, but reading her lips it looks like she's saying 'humor me'.

"Kade. She shouldn't be able to call out to us at all. Hurry, something must be wrong"

"She's with our mother. What could possibly be wrong? Unless she's telling her what we did?"

"Get up there!" I head towards the doors she went through so I can head up to my mother's booth when I'm knocked to the ground, falling onto my hands and knees. The pull that time was so strong and I got pure ecstasy shock through me. I'm instantly fucking hard. Asher brings us to our feet and blindly stumbles up grabbing the door handle, and in his excitement, yanks it open smacking us in the face. Fucking son of a bitch.

I try to push him back so I can function, but he's having none of that, which makes me angrier than I already am with him, for hitting us in the face. I yank open the door and stomp up the stairs. I look over to their balcony and can see Kyah through the window facing my mother, who has a clear view of what just happened. Her eyes follow my steps, I can also see the laughter at what just happened. We then slam the door open making Kyah jump at the noise and Asher says

"She smells so good, fuck I want her so bad, Kade. We need to make her ours."

"She shouldn't be able to do what she did. Are you sure she's human and not a wolf?"

"Let me check" he growls. Pouncing forward, cutting her off. Not that we were listening to what she said. And he starts sniffing her. When she tries to shove us away, I pin her arms to the armrest and let him persevere with his assessment. She struggles the whole time trying to get free.

"Kade! What are you doing? Stop sniffing me." She protests

"Definitely human. So how? Your guess is as good as mine. Did you want us, mate? No she doesn't, I thought you were fine. How did you do it?" Me and Asher say. It doesn't happen too often, but sometimes we can speak through each other at the same time. It's a bit of a mind fuck if you don't know about it and by the look on her face, which is quite adorable, she's tripped the fuck out. But we need to know how she did it. When she doesn't answer and continues to stare at me I snap

"Kyah? How did you do it?" That shocks her out of it and she snaps back.

"How the fuck did I do what? Be specific, because I haven't got a clue what you're going on about. And do you know what it means, when I can punch you in the throat without moving my feet?" What is she going on about? punching me in the throat? I'm about to ask her when she volunteers the answer without me asking.

"It means you're in my personal space, so I'd move before I throat punch you. And I will do it, In 3.....2....1.... Will you let go of my hands so I can throat punch you!" I really want to laugh as she struggles to get free and... throat punch me for invading her space. What did I do without this woman? The things that come out of her mouth are adorable. I love how she's not scared of me and will tell me exactly what she thinks and feels. She's childish in a way and has no filter. But I wouldn't change anything about her. damn I have it bad. I am getting frustrated though, so back to the matter at hand, and a little teasing.

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