Mommy [M]

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Warning: Stockholm syndrome, MDLG, dubcon


Everything was hazy.

Lisa tried to go through her memory about what happened, but she couldn't remember much. It was all a blurry, foggy mess. She did remember running, but she couldn't remember running away from what, or who.

And why would she want to remember?

She's happy here, isn't she?

Not everyone can wake up to THE Jennie Kim's face buried between their legs and her tongue inside their cunt, eating them out and sucking their clit like their slick was the nectar of the gods, but she did.

She tried to focus her head to remember what had happened, but all that existed was a pleasure that pooled in her soft tummy as Jennie's tongue swiped up and down her labia, barely grazing her clit.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around her thigh and pulled it apart as her mouth dove deeper into her pussy. Lisa threw her head back and moaned, nipples hard as pebbles and legs quivering as one of her hands reached down to tug at Jennie's hair.

Jennie hummed gleefully at her submission, before wrapping her soft lips around Lisa's hard nub and started sucking it, causing her to arch her back and yelp, closing her legs and scooting her body away from the pleasure.

Jennie growled against her soaked cunt and tightened her arms around Lisa's thighs. She rubbed her nose against her clit before closing her mouth against it and went back to sucking it and swirling her tongue around her clit, causing Lisa to tremble and whine out her name.

"You know that's not my name, baby."

Jennie stopped her ministrations on Lisa and slapped her breasts in punishment, making Lisa yelp in pain. Jennie rose up and replaced her mouth with her fingers, toying around her labia to tease Lisa. Her lower face was covered in slick (her cum, Lisa realized in horror) and her lips were pulled into a smirk.

"You gotta say my name if you want to come, sweetheart."

Jennie purred as she used her middle and her ring finger to enter her soaked cunt while her thumb was toying with her bundle of nerves. Lisa was panting and breathing heavily, with her legs spread wide as Jennie raised her other hand to toy with her breast. She bent her head and wrapped her mouth around her nipples while her fingers started thrusting faster and harder into her cunt.

Lisa's eyes rolled back and her mouth was wide open, panting like a dog in heat enjoying her ministrations before Jennie bit her nipple hard, causing her to shriek. Jennie raised her head and pulled out her fingers from Lisa's cunt prompting it to clench in loss, looking for those experienced fingers. Lisa started to whine at the loss, but Jennie slapped her cunt and her breasts hard, turning her whine into a scream.

Jennie didn't stop her ministrations and growled at her fitful screaming.

"Say my name," she growled. "Say my name, you naughty little slut."

Lisa's eyes were wet, and before she knew it tears were streaming down her face. Whining and whimpering, all she could feel were her hands upon her slick cunt and her sensitive tits. The sound of her hand slapping against her dripping opening made a loud squelching noise in the quiet room, turning her on even more without her consent.

"Mommy!" Lisa yelled out, desperate to release her cunt from her abuse. "Mommy please, please, let me cum. I'll be such a good baby, I'll be your whore," she cried out loud, begging for Jennie to give her mercy and finish her off.

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