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Lisa has never survived an entire week without having someone scold her, shove her, call her a pervert or slap her on the back of her head since the day she first met Jennie. Most of those harsh treatments came from her friends but she has also received them from strangers while in public places.

The reason is simple. She has no self-control when it comes to her one ultimate weakness: butts.

Yes, Lisa has a thing for butts.

Jennie's butt, to be precise.

"I was just looking!" she says to her angry friends Rosie and Jisoo after they've gotten off the subway, earning glares from the people around them. The young lady Lisa's been staring at during the whole trip scolded her in front of everyone, embarrassing her friends.

"There's no harm in looking, right? It's not like I hurt her."

"You were ogling her constantly!"



"I'm not a pervert! I was just trying to prove something."

"What are you trying to prove by offending and harassing people, Lisa?" Jisoo asks.

"I am not harassing them!"

"You are, Lisa," Rosie states.

"I am not! I'm just trying to gather more evidence to support my theory."

"What theory? Jennie's butt theory again?" asks Jisoo in a tired voice.


Both Rosie and Jisoo sigh simultaneously and quicken their steps, walking away from Lisa.

"Is that so wrong?" asks Lisa as she runs to catch up.

Neither friend answers so Lisa just shrugs and mumbles, "Jennie's is still the best."


"Please, I beg you. Please. Just go on one date with her. That's all I'm asking."

"No way. I'm not gonna go out with someone because she likes my butt. That's beyond creepy and perverted."

"But it's Lisa! You know her!"

"Exactly. I know that she's a pervert."

"She's not! She just happens to have a thing for butts. Your butt."

Jennie rolls her eyes. "You think I don't know? I've caught her staring so many times that I've lost count. She's the queen of perverts. I've seen and heard so many people talking about how she'd ogle them like a hungry wolf. I am not going out with someone who looks at people like they're meat."

"She's not like that," argues Rosie. "She's a great person who just happens to have one very big weakness. The reason she keeps staring at other people is because she believes that your butt beat theirs."

"What the-... Repeat that, please."

"She believes that your butt is the sexiest and she has made it her mission to prove so."

"Wha-... how?!" Jennie asks in shock and disbelief. This is the first time she has heard of such a ridiculous mission.

"By comparing it to every other butt she sees."

"That is so wrong!" exclaims Jennie, blushing unconsciously. It's flattering to think that Lisa likes her physical feature that much but at the same time, she feels disturbed by it. "She's a pervert!"

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