3MGF (2.0) [Final]

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Jennie read over what she had typed, shivering briefly from the horrors she had just put down in words. That week...had been a rough one. 

Before she could think too much about it, Jennie hit the "Submit" button. A thank you message popped up. We will send you your refund within ten business days, it said.

Sighing in relief, Jennie closed her laptop and set it aside. She got up, stretched, and quietly crawled into her bed beside Lisa.

Lisa, the real Lisa; Jennie smiled at the sleeping face. To this day, Jennie still had no idea how the 3 Minute Girlfriend Kit 2.0 had managed to recreate Lisa so well. 

Did they have some algorithm somewhere that allowed them to find people's soulmates? Maybe she should've asked in the survey earlier.

In her sleep, Lisa had pulled the pink blanket off of herself. Jennie carefully adjusted it to cover her girlfriend's shoulders before brushing Lisa's face with a gentle finger.

"Finished?" Lisa cracked an eye open sleepily.

Jennie nodded against the pillow. "Sorry for waking you up," she whispered.

"That's okay." Lisa yawned and brought a hand out of the covers to tug on Jennie's shirt. "Nap with me."


Jennie moved closer and let Lisa drape the rest of the blanket over her. With a contented little huff, Lisa rested her forehead against Jennie's collarbone. Jennie smiled, then combed her fingers through Lisa's hair.

"Are you thinking about it again?"

Jennie paused guiltily. "Yeah," she said, her hand resting lightly on the side of Lisa's head. "I was just typing it out and had to remember."

"You didn't actually hit me, Nini."

"Why," said Jennie, "was my kit so much more violent than yours? You got nice things. I was nice. And then my kit was just...creeps. Creeps, violence, and a general lack of sleep."

"That's why you need to catch up on it now."

Jennie giggled. "It's been a year. I'm sure I'm all caught up."

"You can never have too much sleep."

"Of course you would say that, koala."

Lisa patted Jennie's butt affectionately. "I set an alarm for dinnertime. Dream about what you want to eat, okay?"

"Okay. Good night."

People said that the greater the pain, the greater the reward; after going through that disastrous kit and finally ending up with Lisa — Jennie was inclined to agree. 

She snuggled closer and dreamt of pancakes.

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