Taming Lisa (Part 2) [M]

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Lisa walked into her apartment, arms full with multi coloured shopping bags. Giddy with excitement, she tossed them down on her bed and pulled out the dress she'd bought for her date with Jennie tonight.

A dress designed to knock the brunette's socks off. Along with anything else she's wearing. She grinned. The dress was a heavenly blue creation that whispered and flowed with every movement.

All it had taken was one look and Lisa fell in love. It was outrageously expensive and took a big chunk out of her savings, but what the hell.

She held the dress up in front of the mirror. It was deceptively simple, yet sexy. Perfect. She tossed the dress on the bed and looked at her reflection critically. Her body was the slim, svelte kind.

In her opinion she was a bit too slim. She wished she had a bit more curves like a certain sexy brunette. She made a face. Nothing she could do about that. She examined her legs. They weren't half bad. Toned and long and they seemed as if they went on forever.

With a careless shrug, she turned away from the mirror and walked to the kitchen. Picking up the mail from the tiled counter, she flipped through the pile. At the bottom was a thick, cream-colored envelope. Her stomach sank.

With an all-too-familiar feeling of dread, she tore it open and pulled out the elegantly embossed contents. It was an invitation to her mother's seventh wedding. Her lips twisted. So husband number six hadn't worked out after all.

What else was new? It sure didn't take Susan Manoban-Hwang-and a-slew-of-other-names long to find victim number seven.

Lisa eyed the costly paper used for the invitation. Why did her Mom even bother? She had no intention of being a part of her mother's insane need to marry every man she dated. It made a mockery of the institution of marriage.

With a heavy sigh, she tossed the invitation back on the counter and trudged to the shower. Long ago she had decided that marriage was not for her. Love was a temporary feeling, and commitment was something very few people could live up to.

Just look at her Mom. She was the perfect example that showed getting married didn't mean a damn thing anymore.

Thick steam slowly filled the bathroom. Her thoughts churned painfully, dominated by bitter memories. Her gaze followed the water as it flushed down her body before continuing down the drain.

I wish I could get rid of my troubles that way.

She raised her face to the gentle massage of the shower.

If only it were that easy.


The taxi dropped her off in front of the Upper East Side townhouse Jennie called home. Her knees shook so badly she almost tripped on the ridiculously high heels she wore. A nervous laugh made its way out of her trembling lips. Butterflies flitted around her stomach frantically and her hands were cold and damp.

She navigated the steps up to the front door and moved to press the doorbell. The door opened abruptly and Jennie stood on the threshold. Lisa swallowed at the sight of her in a dark brown shirt that brought out the colour of her eyes. 

She looked delicious.

Jennie was just as busy devouring her, her murmured greeting washing over Lisa. Heat began to claw its way up her insides. Would it be a terrible faux pas if she pulled off her clothes and just asked the brunette to fuck her right here? She blushed at the thought.

In the next second, her mind went blank as Jennie bent and gave her a slow, toe-curling kiss. When next Lisa was aware, she had pulled her inside.

Jennie's eyes gleamed sexily.

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