Rut Leave (Part 2) [M]

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A red haze had descended over Jennie's mind, obliterating everything but desire. Any shame, any sense of propriety, evaporated in the constant humming of her body.

The pump of her blood was a drumbeat, urging her to mate and fuck and breed, and there was a wet, willing omega close by.

Jennie tried to stave it off during the taxi ride back to their apartment, but she was swiftly losing the ability to remember why she had to.

The walk up the stairs felt ten times as long as usual, and the wait while Lisa fumbled for her keys was pure torture.

Jennie couldn't seem to stop rubbing against Lisa's back, scent-marking her over and over, even though there was nobody nearby to pose a challenge.

But the haze was too strong, stronger than Jennie could ever remember feeling it, which made sense—she could barely remember the last time she'd gone through a rut without suppressants.

The potential for violence, the loss of control, had scared her badly. But this time, Lisa was here. Her Lisa, her mate. Lisa wouldn't let her go too far. Lisa would be there to tame her beast.

Jennie let out a rumbling croon, somewhere between a pleading whimper and an impatient growl.

"I'm sorry, Jen," Lisa said, her voice going high and breathy as Jennie's hips—and the hardness throbbing between them—came into contact with her rear. "I'm going as fast as I can, but it would be a lot easier if you could just stop—there! Got it."

The door swung open and immediately Jennie crowded her into the room, snarling, teeth at Lisa's throat. The omega barely had time to shut the door before Jennie was on her, bearing her down onto the floor.

"Couch," Lisa gasped, "Jen, couch," but Jennie couldn't remember what a couch was, and she didn't wait to find out.

The red haze had crowded out all conscious thought but the need to shove her cock somewhere warm and wet, to rut, to knot, to tie and to flood her bitch with cum.

Jennie used one hand to claw open her pants and belt, the other to grasp Lisa's hip.

Even though she knew in the back of her mind that Lisa wanted this just as much as she did—she could feel Lisa panting beneath her and smell the sweet scent of needy omega—her instincts told her to keep hold of her mate. She couldn't let Lisa get away before she was properly tied.

The haze of Jennie's rut made her fingers clumsy, and she growled in desperation as they slipped in her attempts to free her aching cock. Lisa reached back, attempting to help, but Jennie snarled and shoved her back down to the floor, holding the omega in place with her body weight while continuing to work at her clothing.

Lisa whined, raising the spectre of fear in Jennie's mind that she might have hurt her mate, but the smell of Lisa's arousal only grew stronger. It wouldn't have mattered, anyway. Nothing would stop her from reaching her goal.


Jennie growled in triumph when her cock finally popped loose from the miserable confinement of her pants. It was hard and throbbing, dripping with precum, and she took a moment to smear it all over her head and down her shaft, hissing as she did so.

She felt more sensitive than ever before, and the thought of pushing into Lisa nearly made her spill over her own hand like an adolescent pup.

She turned her attention to Lisa's clothing, to eliminate the barriers between her cock and Lisa's cunt.

The skirt was easy. Jennie merely flipped it up with one hand. Her mate's stockings were a little trickier, stymying Jennie for a moment, but eventually she seized them in her fists and ripped.

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