Taming Lisa (Part 3) [M]

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Lisa walked into the café and headed directly to the small table tucked in the back of the coffee shop. Saturday brunch was a tradition for her and Jisoo, something they'd done faithfully for years.

Now it was every other Saturday since Jisoo's marriage. Her lips twitched. Chaeyoung was very possessive of her wife's time.

"It's about time you got here," Jisoo began in a teasing tone. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show."

"Sorry," she muttered. "I overslept."

Interest glowed in her best friend's eyes. "Hmmmm. Do tell."

Lisa didn't answer as the waitress came with two steaming cups of coffee and took their order before leaving. Jisoo looked at her expectantly.

"Well? Who was the date?"

She used the excuse of sipping her coffee to delay answering. But Jisoo wasn't about to be deterred.

"You're stalling, Lisa. Do I know this guy?"

She choked. The coffee really was too hot.

Jisoo's eyes narrowed shrewdly. "That's it, isn't it? I know this guy. That's why you're being so secretive."

Lisa hid her troubled gaze behind lowered eyelashes. She'd left Jennie in the wee hours of the morning. She'd been asleep on her stomach, the thin sheet low over her hips and a muscular arm stretched out on her side.

Jennie expected her to stay, that much she knew. But she'd never stayed overnight with anybody. Ever. It smacked too much of a willingness to commit and raised too many expectations. 

She sighed. She'd no doubt deal with the brunette later.

A frown furrowed the smooth skin on Jisoo's forehead. "This isn't like you, Lisa. You're usually more forthcoming than this." She leaned forward. "Is everything all right?"

Lisa winced inwardly. Everything's peachy. Oh and by the way, I just slept with your sister.

"Of course. I'm just a little tired, that's all."

Jisoo was about to say something but stopped when she glanced behind Lisa. Her eyes widened with surprise then she grinned with delight.

"Well, hello. I thought you had an early golf game today."

Chaeyoung bent down to kiss her wife on the lips. "That's what I thought, too. Imagine my surprise when Jennie showed up on our doorstep this morning."

At the mention of Jennie's name, Lisa stiffened. Her stomach sank with dread. Please, please don't let Jennie be here.

Chaeyoung sat down next to her wife and gave Lisa an enigmatic grin. "Hey, Lisa."

Lisa forced herself to give her a small smile. "Chaeyoung."

Jisoo focused her gaze behind Lisa. "Jennie, are you just going to stand there or are you going to join us?"

Oh fuck no.

A tanned hand pulled out the chair next to her. "Hello, Lisa."

With reluctance, she turned to Jennie. "Good morning Jennie," she replied politely. She couldn't decipher the expression in the brunette's eyes. There was an air of brooding calm about her. 

What was she doing here?

Jisoo's gaze held a touch of curiosity. The sudden tension in the air was noticeable. "Well, this is nice, us having brunch together."

Jennie hooked an arm casually on Lisa's chair. "I actually had other plans sis. But when I woke up this morning, everything changed."

Lisa sat stiffly, unmoving. Jennie obviously wasn't pleased, that much she could tell. She hoped she wouldn't say anything about what had happened last night. She had no wish to air their private issues in front of Jisoo and Chaeyoung.

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