Commander [M]

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Jennie G!P, Warning: Omegaverse


Jennie had been restless all day.

It had started in the morning, when Kahi and a selection of the finest Forest warriors had arrived for a friendly (as friendly as they ever get, in any case) training session.

They'd brought it with them, a breeze of something like expectation, something that made Jennie stop in her tracks and watch them with narrowed eyes to determine the source.

She hadn't been the only one. Donghae, Minho, even her mother had begun acting oddly, uneasy and on edge. All the Alphas had.

Throughout the day, she'd felt Kahi's gaze on her, as though she was waiting for Jennie to do something she'd have to stop. It was unsettling, to be under such close scrutiny.

It was the scent that clung to them, Jennie had realized at some point, that had caught her attention. It was faint and barely there, but also sweet and heavy in a way she'd never experienced before.

Jennie watched them train, nostrils quivering and very aware of Kahi's narrowed eyes studying her, and wondered where it came from. The scent beckoned her, but it didn't originate from any of Forest warriors. A quiet voice in the back of her mind urged her to go and search for the source of the smell. It was important.

She took one look at her mother, who had taken to busying herself with patching up any injuries, and then at Kahi, who had taken her eyes off her in favour of observing Hana, and stepped away from the scene, inching towards the gate.

Before she could reach it, someone snagged her arm.

"What are you doing, princess?"

Jennie looked back at Donghae, taking in the sheen of sweat on his brow and the tick in his cheek.

"What does it look like?", she asked, wondering if she looked the same way. Too hot and too sweaty and too agitated. His mouth pulled down in a grimace, a drop of sweat soaking into his collar.

He held his breath and she couldn't blame him. Alphas didn't smell pleasant to other Alphas. They smelled too strongly, too aggressive, too much like competition. They were both sweaty and pumping out pheromones, and Jennie had a hard time ignoring his stink. No doubt he felt the same way about her.

"It looks like you're about to make a mistake", Donghae answered and pulled his hand back when she snarled at it.

"Back off, Donghae."

They'd gone a long way from their initial dominance struggles and Jennie was proud to consider him a part of her pack, but right now her head was too fuzzy to accept any advice, well-meaning or not.

He took a step back, raising his hands in surrender and her rustled instincts calmed.

"Fine", he began, still looking worried. "But promise me you'll at least try and keep a cool head."

Jennie's brow furrowed in confusion as she blinked and turned around, slipping past the gate unhindered and leaving Camp Nile behind her. She followed her nose mindlessly, and it took her a while to realize she was heading for the Forest warriors' camp.

The jittery tingle underneath her skin grew stronger the further she went and when she'd reached the outskirts of camp, the source became very clear to her. There was no breeze or gust of wind that kept her from following the smell straight to the Commander's tent.

For a moment, Jennie hesitated. She was anxious and nervous, her stomach curling in on itself with every heavy breath she took, and still her mind was too clouded to let her remember what this meant. And then she shook her head and pulled back the flap with more force than necessary.

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