Obsession (Part 2) [M]

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Lisa woke up slowly and with no small amount of confusion. Blinking sleep away, she stretched and yawned in a bed that felt unfamiliar but comfortable.

The blanket was heavy and pleasantly airy, filled with actual feathers and not the synthetic kind she was used to. The pillows were the same, fluffy without being overly warm and surprisingly loud under her as she rolled onto her side and pushed herself up into a sitting position.

Where am I...?

This wasn't home. The room she found herself in was... odd. The walls were a light shade of pink reaching up to a cream ceiling. It was a large room – giant even, easily ten times the size of her little room back home.

The bed was a king or queen size, the floor carpeted a weirdly garish shade of red and the wall covered with pictures of unicorns, roses and other flowers. There was even a huge stack of teddy bears in one corner, and she did mean huge. Some were taller than she was.

It's like someone made the perfect room for a young girl, she thought. Or what they might have thought a young girl wanted - unicorns, flowers and pink everywhere. Jisoo would have hurled.

Lisa felt she might as well, though that was more due to the strangely upset tummy she had and the fuzzy feeling between her ears. The last thing she remembered was going to her favourite bakery in town for some cookies. Then, someone bumped into her and the rest was a muddled mess she couldn't quite recall.

"This doesn't look like home." Pushing the sheets down, she yelped. "W – Wait, where are my clothes!?"

Instead of her red and black combat outfit, she'd been put into a nightgown. It was red – thankfully – but it wasn't the kind of thing she'd have ever worn.

It was a material thin and soft and cool, maybe satin or velvet, and it hung from her shoulders by straps so thin a stiff breeze could have snapped them. It hugged her sides and hips and reached down to mid-thigh, far too short for her liking.

It was the kind of thing Chaeyoung wore to bed, and Lisa still had no idea how Chaeyoung had felt comfortable wearing it in front of everyone at the academy.

Who put me in these? Why? Where am I?

Lisa looked around again and noticed a small glass of water on the bedside table. Dad would have had words about accepting things from strangers, but she was already asleep somewhere she didn't know, so she didn't think twice about drinking some, after a small sniff to make sure it was okay.

Thirst quenched, Lisa sat up.

Okay. Weird waking aside, there was no immediate reason to panic. Obviously, she'd passed out in the streets if her blank memory was any indication and someone must have brought her to their house to recover.

They must have put her in the room of a young girl, explaining the décor, and also changed her into a nightgown. The latter was humiliating, especially since she didn't have a bra underneath so someone had removed hers but depending on how hurt she'd been, it could be called a kind-hearted action.

Someone had obviously tried to help her, and she shouldn't go jumping to conclusions just because she'd have preferred pyjamas.

The door clicked, a lack opening, and Lisa looked to the entranceway in time to see it open and a tall woman entered. Lisa's first thought was relief. It was a woman who looked old enough to be her mother, which meant she hadn't been undressed by a guy.

Her second thought was that the woman was actually a lot younger than she immediately looked. It had to be the brown hair, similar to Jisoo's. When she first saw it she assumed a late forty lady, but the woman was actually more around the thirty to early forty region.

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