Heat (Part 2) [M]

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Lisa grunted in slight surprise when Jennie bent her forward from her position on all fours, her cheek pressing against the torn up sheets. The sudden movement nearly made her slip flat on her chest, but she managed to steady herself on her forearms.

She tried to adjust her legs as well, but they were trapped between Jennie's own and she didn't dare move against her.

Lisa moaned at the way her nipples dragged against the sheets in her new position, her pleasure slowly building yet again that night. Her ponytail was torn out long ago, her blonde locks sticking to her sweaty face and back in frizzy patches.

Her body jostled as Jennie's pale hands dug possessively into her hips, pulling her to and fro to add to the speed and force of her thrusts. Her thighs were slick with a mixture of hers and Jennie's cum that steadily leaked out of her throbbing pussy.

The room was filled with their moans of pleasure and the wet slap of Jennie's balls against her ass.

Her body felt numb from pleasure, so sensitive that she almost wished she could stop climaxing. It was like she was a child again and had eaten so much chocolate that she felt sick. Her body buzzed and hummed on its own accord.

Jennie bent forward and blanketed her torso over her back, her weight and breasts pressing pleasantly against her skin. Her arms wrapped taunt around her middle as she continued pistoning in and out of her like a dog in heat. Their sweat made their bodies slip against each other.

Lisa again felt her insides stretch ever further, the first sign of Jennie's nearing climax. The brunette's growls and grunting breaths panted past her ear to mix with her own moans.

The realization made her arousal spike, her own climax coming soon upon her as Jennie continued her hard rutting...



Lisa rubbed her thighs together, desperate to elicit some friction. The soft squelch and surprising cool wetness between her legs unfortunately made her mind swim back into consciousness. She groaned in annoyance as the dream that so easily aroused her escaped, its memories fleeting from her like smoke between her fingers.

The heat pooled in her loins throbbed, begging to be sated. Her climax was so close. She was standing right on the edge and just needed a gentle push to send her off. The air around her was heavy with a musky scent that sent heat slipping through her veins, and her body ached in a terribly pleasant manner.

She shifted to take care of the problem manually, but found that she couldn't well, move her body or arms.


Her eyes fluttered open, blinking out sleep to peer into the dimly lit room. Her brow furrowed in confusion when she came face to face with a wall of flesh, specifically a chest.

What the...?

She blinked in mild surprise when the two arms curled around her pulled her closer to the chest in front of her. The cool, earthy scent and pale skin were easy enough to identify.

Then she remembered. Hyunbin, coming out to the woods, finding Jennie, and then...

Lisa blushed. It wasn't a dream.

She struggled to free one of her arms from Jennie's hold to gently run her fingers over the bite on the juncture of her shoulder and neck. The wound was sensitive, but not entirely painful. It was warm to the touch and swollen hard, and she felt the bumps of caked blood where Jennie's teeth broke her skin. When she claimed her...

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