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Lisa waited for a moment as she knelt in front of their set of drawers. When there was no response, she sat back on her heels and called again.



Lisa looked up as Jennie walked in and came to stand beside her, hands on her hips.

"I have a question."


"Why," Lisa held up a shirt, "do we have so much flannel?"

"That's yours, babe."

"It is?"

Jennie smiled and reached out to pat Lisa's head.

"Yeah. You wore that last week."

"I did? But...I don't remember buying this."

"I got it for you! At the sale a month ago, remember?"

"You did?" Lisa frowned. "All of these?"

"All of what?"

Lisa pulled the middle drawer open to reveal more flannel shirts.

"These," she said.

"Oh, no, of course not!" Jennie pointed. "These are from a few years back. This one we got in Hawaii, remember? And this one is a winter shirt, what is it doing here, and these ones we got when we went shopping with Hyunnie that one time."

"...You remember all of them?"


Lisa nodded thoughtfully before pulling the bottom drawer open.

"And these?"

"Well, this one," said Jennie, pulling out the topmost shirt, "this one you accidentally bought a size too big but you kept it anyway, right?"

"Because you told me to."

"Yes, well, anyway, these are from various other sales — ooh! I've been looking for this one!" Jennie pulled out a red and blue flannel shirt. "You can wear this one tomorrow!"

"Jennie, it's the weekend. I don't have work."

Holding the shirt up to the light, Jennie smiled at Lisa.

"You can wear it at home!"

"...Can I ask another question?"


"All of these flannel shirts — I didn't buy them, did I?"

"Of course you did, silly."

"This one?"

"Okay, I got that one for you."

"And this one?"

"That was me too."

"This one?"

"You got that one!"



"And this?"


Lisa gave Jennie a look.

"So, to sum it up: I didn't buy most of these."

"Okay, maybe not."

"But they're somehow all mine?"

"I like shopping for you," said Jennie. She deflated slightly, clutching the shirt she was holding to her chest. "You don't like me buying clothes for you?"

"No, that's not it! I appreciate it, I really do. I just..."

"You just...?"

"Why is there so much flannel in particular? I mean, a whole two drawers full of just flannel shirts?"

Lisa stared at Jennie for a good long moment until Jennie finally looked away.

"Sorry," she said quietly.

"No, no. I'm not angry, I just want to know why. Why, Nini?"

Jennie mumbled something and Lisa leaned forward.

"What did you say?"

"I said, because you look really good in them and I just accidentally keep buying flannel shirts whenever I see them."

Jennie looked up awkwardly.

"I don't even know I'm doing it until I find myself pulling them out of the wash at home."

"You accidentally buy shirts for me?"

"Because you look so good in flannel! I don't know. Sleeves down, sleeves rolled up, baggy, fitted — doesn't matter. You're just extra hot when you're in flannel, babe."

Lisa blinked.

"I-Is this like...a kink, or something?"



"Actually, maybe?"


"Can you put this on?"

"Jennie, wh—"

"Put . it . on."

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