Taming Lisa (Final) [M]

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Lisa kicked the thick blankets aside, her legs rubbing restlessly against the soft sheets on the bed. Barely five minutes had passed since she'd last checked the time. It was close to midnight, and she wasn't feeling the least bit sleepy.

Her mind was churning with thoughts of Jennie.

Since walking out on the brunette a few days ago, her nights had been sheer torture. Plagued by insomnia, she'd tossed and turned every night. Lisa plumped a pillow and hugged it tightly.

Blood was pumping heavily through her veins and her breasts ached with tightly puckered tips. Her skin was sensitive to the slightest touch. Like an addict, her body was looking for a fix—a fix that only one person could give her.

She eyed the phone longingly. 

Should she call her? How long could she last like this? 

She turned away only to look back a second later. Before she could change her mind, she picked it up and punched her number. Jennie answered on the second ring.

"I can't sleep," Lisa said without preliminaries. Her voice throbbed huskily with longing.

"Me either."

Lisa imagined the brunette lying on her bed wearing absolutely nothing, the sheets resting provocatively low on her full hips. Her sigh whispered over the phone.

"I could be there in a few minutes, Lisa." Jennie's raspy voice was sinfully tempting. "You're hungry baby."

Lisa moaned softly in agreement.

"All you have to do is tell me what I want to hear." The sexy tone was persuasive, enticing. "Tell me and you won't have to suffer sleepless nights, craving the satisfaction only I can give you babe."

"You want me as much as I want you, Jen." She dared Jennie to deny it.

"I do baby." There was no hesitation in the answer. It was clear and direct.

Lisa was bordering on desperation. She needed to sway Jennie from this ridiculous notion of commitment. Her voice lowered seductively.

"I'm touching my breasts, pretending it's you, Jen. Squeezing and tugging my nipples. Your touch is rough, yet gentle as you fuck me."

The deep breath Jennie released echoed loudly in her ear. "Do you know what I did last night, Lisa? I got myself off thinking of you. I pictured you lying on my bed, naked and waiting for me. I imagined your pussy, moist and glistening, open and begging for my touch."

It was now Lisa's turn to inhale sharply, little points of pleasure attacking her sensitive skin. Her pulse rate accelerated.

"But it wasn't enough, Lisa," Jennie said flatly. "I need the real thing. I need you just like you need me."

Arousal fed Lisa's frustration. "The real thing is right here, Jen. You can have me anytime."

When Jennie spoke, her voice had more than a hint of frustration, too. "Tell me what I want to hear baby and I'll fuck you long and hard, in every possible way." There was steely determination underlying her words. "But until then, we'll just have to suffer through nights like this."

Lisa bit back an angry retort and sought to get even instead. She allowed the longing and need she felt to surface in her voice as she pushed her fingers deep inside her body.

"I'm pretending it's your fingers inside my pussy, Jen." A moan wound its way from between her parted lips, her breaths coming faster. "It feels so good, oh God."

Her eyes drifted shut as she sought her clit and rubbed it harshly. Already slick and wet with arousal, her fingers slid smoothly inside her passage. She panted and dimly heard Jennie expel a shaky breath. 

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