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Lisa opened the door to the common room. It was empty, save for the five figures in the far corner. Nothing out of the ordinary, not even the loud, impassioned stream of words coming from Jisoo's mouth.

"What's going on?" Lisa asked as she shrugged off her backpack and crashed into the beanbag in front of Jennie.

Across from her, Rosie and Yeri were immersed in a show of some sort, moving only to cram more chips into their mouths. Joy was sprawled out over the couch, snoring with her mouth wide open.

"Perfect timing, Lis!" Jisoo crossed her arms and glared at Lisa. "Your girlfriend ruined my survey."

Lisa glanced back at Jennie, who smiled back at her. "I don't get it," said Lisa, laying her head on Jennie's knee.

"Look at this," said Jisoo, shoving her laptop screen into Lisa's face.

"Can you just read it to me? I can't see anything if you keep moving like that. What's this survey even for?"

Jisoo huffily moved her laptop back onto her lap. "It's for my social psych class. We were meant to make a survey about coping mechanisms and whatnot, give it to people, then write a paper on the results."

"And what did you do?" Lisa reached up behind her to pat Jennie's thigh.

"I answered the survey. Every single question."

"That's exactly the problem!" Jisoo threw up her hands in frustration. "She gave the exact same answer for every single question.

Listen to this: 'Your mother called you from home to tell you that your dog has recently died of old age. What do you do in response?

A) Be alone for a few days

B) Go talk to a friend

C) Refuse to believe your mother

D) Put all your attention into your schoolwork and ignore the news

E) Go kick someone else's dog

F) Think about it carefully and come to terms with the idea of death

G) Other

Lisa frowned. "Did you write this survey yourself?"

"That's also what I asked when she made me do it," said Rosie without looking up from the screen.

"That's not the point here!"

"Did she answer E? Kick someone else's dog? How can there be a wrong answer, though? You're just asking what people would do, right?" Lisa frowned. "Wait a second, aren't these meant to be anonymous?"

"Just ask her what she answered, and you'll get what I mean."

"Babe? What did you put?"

Jennie laughed. "I put 'Lisa'."

"See what I mean?"

"I don't get it," said Lisa. "That wasn't a choice?"

"She clicked 'Other' for every single question and answered 'Lisa' every single time." Jisoo jabbed at her screen. "This is how I could tell it was her! Who else would do that?"

"That's just one survey, right? You still have other subjects who answered the quiz properly?"

"I did answer it properly, though," said Jennie, running her hand through Lisa's hair gently. "If my dog died, I would go find you."

"Then that's choice B! Go talk to a friend!"

"I don't go to Lisa only to talk."

Lisa watched as Jisoo's eyes bugged out. "Are you—"

"We take naps together, right, Lili?" Jennie's hands paused on Lisa's head for a moment. "What were you thinking, Jisoo?"

Jisoo's face reddened. She opened her mouth, then closed it, then stared up at the ceiling.

Lisa grinned and leaned back into Jennie's touch, waiting for Jisoo to find the words.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. I'll exclude your results. In return," she said, pointing at Lisa, "you will have to answer the survey for me. And don't you dare put 'Jennie', or I will personally shave all your hair off, starting with your stupid bangs."

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