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Lisa and Jennie, you say? Chaeyoung rolls her eyes.

They're gross.

Like, on the train home, right? It's in public and all that and everyone is watching but they'll still hold hands and giggle and do gross PDA.

Once, it was 5 times – and I'm sure it was 5 because I told them, I begged them to stop – but Jennie kissed Lisa behind the ear 5 times that ride.

She said it was because Lisa's tattoo is cute. I told her tattoos against the school rules and boy were they gonna get in trouble if Mrs. Park found out.

And Jennie had the cheek to laugh at me and say, yeah, that's why I'm making up for the hours the tattoo has to stay hidden.

And then she kissed it again! On the train! In front of everyone!

What? Lisa? Oh, she just smiled and turned red. As usual.

Yeah, they're gross.


Lisa and Jennie? Jisoo grins.

They're easy to troll.

Oh, as in they're easy to use against each other. Tell Jennie that Lisa's in trouble and she'll come running; tell Lisa that Jennie needs her and she'll drop whatever she's doing.

Example? You want an example?

Um...oh, I got one. One time I was in detention with Lisa – what, it was just for sleeping in class – and she walked off to the bathroom.

But then Jennie poked her head in, looking for Lisa, so I told her that Lisa was feeling sick and wanted juice from the vending machine.

I mean, she wasn't sick. I just didn't want to walk to get a drink.

Anyway, Jennie took off so fast she actually got back with the juice before Lisa returned from the bathroom.

Yeah. Crazy, right? That was the fastest delivery I've ever gotten.

What? Yes, of course I paid her back. Yes, I told her. No, she didn't get mad. Okay, maybe a bit. Just a bit.

But Lisa came back from the bathroom and distracted her, so I was let off the hook.

Yeah, those two are fun to troll.


Lisa and Jennie? Tzuyu nods.

Both of them are very mature, so their relationship is very healthy.

Hmm. I think family is very important, and I know they're both on very good terms with each other's parents. They don't stay out too late so their families don't have to worry. And I think that's very smart.

This way, they're showing their parents that they are good influences for each other, which means their parents will approve more easily.

Yes, they take care of each other very well. And our friends, too. Jennie always says we're all a family.

I think it's good, of course. Lisa sometimes says I'm their practice daughter, for in the future, in case they plan on having children.

And, I mean – please don't tell them this – sometimes they baby me too much. I'm not a child and I am capable of taking care of myself, but they like to do things for me a lot.

Like...well, Jennie always makes Lisa give me her gloves when we go out together. I always tell her I'm not cold, but she insists, and you know how Jennie is when she insists.

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