Chapter 5

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They are all sitting down for lunch together.
"Rami doesn't look too tired. Good job, Luc," Ben says while studying Rami's face. Rami rolls his eyes. Lucy just giggles while she looks at Rami.
"Or he just always looks tired. That's also an answer," Joe says.
"Well, that is pretty much my entire mood," Rami says. Gwil stays silent. Not that he has said a lot during lunch. Rami follows Joe's gaze towards Gwil. Neither of them says anything. Instead, they continue their conversation while keeping an eye on Gwil.

"I heard some rumours that Brian and Roger might come to set tomorrow," Joe says. Ben's eyes widen.
"Tomorrow?" He asks. Joe nods because he already has stuffed his mouth full of food again.
"Yeah. Not sure if it's true though," Joe says after he quickly swallowed his food. 
"Tomorrow is the keep yourself alive scene. Crazy drum parts," Ben says. He rubs his hand through his eyes.
"Well, good luck, mate," Rami says.

Rami looks at Gwil again. He still hasn't said a word. He hadn't eaten that much as well.
"Gwil, everything alright?" At first, Rami wanted to ask it when they were alone, but he knows Joe is also worried. Gwil's head jerks up.
"Yeah, yeah, I am fine," He says. He quickly puts some food on his fork before starting to eat.
"Are you sure? You don't really look fine," Rami says. Gwil sighs loudly.
"I have a feeling that my girlfriend is hiding something from me. She says that there is nothing going on but she is acting so weird. I am trying to figure out what it might be," Gwil says. Joe nods understandingly.
"Maybe she doesn't want to worry you?" Joe asks.
"Well, she is not ready doing a very good job then," Gwil says while he lets his hand run through his hair.
"Can't you just call her and explain to her how you are feeling?" Ben suggests. Gwil shrugs.
"Maybe I should," Gwil immediately grabs his phone from where it lays on the table before disappearing into the hallway.

"I haven't seen you two in forever. How are you holding up?" Lucy asks while looking at Ben and Joe.
"Pretty okay actually," Joe says. He looks over to Ben to see what he has to say.
"Same for me," Ben says.
"A few weeks you both were looking for a relationship? How did that work out?" Lucy asks. She had seen the looks the two of them were giving each other. She wasn't even sure if both of them knew how much the other liked them.
"Most people weren't really interested," Ben says before shrugging.
"I just accepted my fate that I am unlovable," Joe says. Lucy giggles softly.
"Oh come on, Joe, that is not true," Lucy says.
"Well, can you find a woman or man that likes me then?" Joe asks. His eyebrows have risen a bit. Ben furrows his eyebrows while he looks at Joe.
"You are bi?" He asks. Joe turns his head to look at Ben.
"Yeah, you didn't know that?" Joe asks. Ben immediately shakes his head.
"I did not," Ben says. He can't help but feel a spark of hope deep inside him.
"Oh well, now you know," Joe says. Rami and Lucy are just watching the scene unfold in front of them.

Just when Rami is about to say something, Gwil walks back in. He has a huge smile on his face.
"Well, I assume that was a good conversation," Joe says. Gwil nods before sitting down again.
"Apparently my girlfriend didn't believe that I was colour blind. So, every time I would call a colour the wrong name, she thought I was kidding around. A few days ago she stumbled upon my doctor's record and saw that I am in fact, colour blind. So, she felt bad for mocking me about it," Gwil says. He grabs his unfinished sandwich so he can take a bite.
"You are colour blind?" Rami asks. Gwil immediately nods.
"Yeah, but in a very light form. Blues and greens look a lot alike for me," Gwilym says before shrugging. Ben shakes his head, his eyes wide in unbelieve.
"I keep learning new things about you guys today," Ben mumbles. Joe laughs softly.
"So, how does Lucy's sweater look to you?" Rami asks. He looks at Lucy's blue and green sweater.
"Can I point at the colours?" Gwil asks with his eyes on Lucy. When she nods he walks over to her.
"So, this looks mostly blue to me actually. I can see that there are letters here, but I can't read them from far because they look like the same colour as this colour here," Gwil says while pointing at a green part of the sweater.
"That is crazy," Joe says.

"Guys? Are we ready to film again?" Matt asks. He had walked into the break room to inform the guys that they were needed on set again.
"Give me once second," Gwil says while putting the last of his sandwich in his mouth. He quickly wipes off his hands on a napkin before getting up from his chair. They walk back to the make-up department. While getting their wigs and make-up touched up, they continue talking.
"So, if I say that the background of my phone is blue, you would believe it?" Joe says while turning his phone on to let Gwil see.
"I actually thought it was blue," Gwil says. Joe chuckles.
"I really didn't know that," Joe says. Gwilym shrugs.
"It's not something that really comes up, is it?" Gwil says.
"Yeah, I guess so," Joe says.

Later that evening, Ben stands in front of Gwil's door. He knocks on it once before the door is opened. Gwil raises his eyebrows once he sees Ben standing in front of his door.
"Ben? Come in," He says before stepping aside to let Ben in. Ben shoots him a smile before making his way inside the room. He sits down on the chair in the corner of the room.
"What are you here for?" Gwil asks. Ben stays quiet while he tries to think of the best way to answer this question. 

"I think I am going to ask Joe out next week," Ben says with sudden confidence in his voice. Gwil's eyes widen while a huge smile spreads on his lips.
"That is great! What made you finally decide to ask him?" Gwil asks. Ben huffs while rolling his eyes at the sarcasm dripping from Gwil's voice.
"While you were calling your girlfriend he revealed that he was bi. So, that makes my chances at least a little bigger," Ben says. Gwil smirks.
"How are you going to do it?" Gwil asks. Ben seems to be deep in his thoughts.
"Well, next Wednesday we wrap earlier. So, I am going to ask him Monday evening if he would like to go on a date with me," Ben says. Gwil's smile only grows bigger and bigger.
"I want to know everything that happens," Gwil says. Ben shakes his head while simultaneously rolling his eyes.
"Any advice?" Ben asks.
"Just be you and don't beat yourself up over it," Gwil says. Ben nods slowly.
"I'm already nervous," Ben admits.
"I would be surprised if you weren't. I really don't think he will say no, though. So, I think you shouldn't be as worried as you are," Gwil says. He lets his hand run through his hair while he looks at Ben.
"I guess so," Ben says. They continue talking until it's time for both of them to sleep. 


Hey guys,

I hope all of you are doing okay?

Take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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