Chapter 18

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After the police officer let them go, Ben and Joe drove to the hospital. A nurse let them to Taylor's room.
"Hi," Ben says while they approach his bed. Taylor looks from Ben to Joe and back to Ben before it he realised who they were.
"That was really brave of you to do," Ben says.
"How are you feeling?" Joe asks.
"My head is pounding, but it could have been worse," Taylor says. He holds his hand against his forehead.
"We are sorry you got hurt," Ben says. He quickly locks eyes with Joe. 
"It's okay."

"We bought you something as a thank you for sticking up for us," Joe says while he hands Taylor a gift bag. They had stopped by a store to buy some sweets to make a nice get-well-soon package.
"You guys shouldn't have," Taylor says.
"We wanted to. We really appreciate it. And we are sorry that the guy was such an asshole."
"That is really sweet of you guys. I appreciate it." Taylor says. Ben puts the bag down on Taylor's bed.
"Is there anything we can do for you?" Ben asks. Both he and Joe feel absolutely terrible that this has happened because of them. They wanted to make it up to Taylor in every way possible.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be back on my feet in no time." Taylor says.
"Thank you for standing up for us. You're amazing."
"I know," Taylor says before winking. Which causes both Joe and Ben bursting out in laughter.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Ben finally wraps on his project. He flies back to England to pack up all of his stuff and sell all the remaining furniture. He puts his house up for sale as well. Joe helps him unpack everything. They decided to stay in Joe's apartment for the time being. They were both used to the house and it would be way easier than finding a new house. 

Both let themself fall onto the couch after a long week of moving. Joe opens his arms for Ben. The latter doesn't hesitate before crawling into Joe's embrace.
"Gosh, I love you so much," Joe says. He can feel Ben's lip corners curl up.
"I love you too. I can't believe we have been together for almost a year," Ben says.
"I can't either. Time has flown by so quickly. And I am sure all the upcoming years will fly by even quicker," Joe says. Ben chuckles. He places his hand on Joe's chest. 

When Ben takes a shaky breath, Joe lets his hand run through Ben's hair. Something he knows calms Ben down.
"What's up, love?" Joe asks. 
"Give me a second," Ben mumbles.
"Take all the time you need." Joe continues his actions of letting his fingers run through Ben's hair. It is something that Ben really likes, but he only lets Joe do it when they don't have anywhere else to go that day.

"It's just, I have been in many relationships before. Some longer and a lot shorter. And I have never ever felt the way I feel when I am around you. Since the first day we started dating I have felt so comfortable and safe around you. I don't open up easily but to you, I am an open book and I have always been. I never had the feeling that I was sure that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the person I was dating. But with you, it isn't even that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I just know that I will spend the rest of my life with you," Ben says. 
"That is so incredibly sweet. I love you, Ben." Joe tilts Ben's head up so he can connect their lips. They only pull away so Joe can take Ben's shirt off.  

They get interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Ben sighs before getting up from the couch. He looks through the glass peek window before opening the door.
"Come in," Ben says before stepping aside. Joe looks at the door to their hallway with a raised eyebrow. Ben walks in, followed by Rami. 
"Hi," Rami mumbles before letting himself fall onto one of the armchairs.
"What's up?" Ben asks while he grabs his discarded shirt from the couch. 
"Lucy and I got in a fight. Nothing major. But we decided it might be best to stay away from each other for the night. I was wondering if I could stay here?" Rami asks. 
"Of course. If you want to talk about it you can, but you don't have to," Joe says. 
"Thanks. I'd rather not talk about it. "

"Have you eaten dinner?" Ben asks. Rami shakes his head.
"I am just about to start cooking. You aren't dieting for a role or something, are you?" Ben asks. Rami shakes his head once more.
"Alright." With that Ben leaves the room.
"Are you sure you are alright?" Joe asks while looking at Rami. The latter sighs loudly.
"Yeah, I am fine. This was our first big fight. We had our arguments about little things, but this is our first full-blown fight. I know everything will be alright and that we just need to be apart from each other to cool down. But I just feel bad. She doesn't deserve this," Rami says. He looks at a spot on the floor while he fidgets with the cord of his hoodie. 
"Hey, Rami. Every couple gets into a fight. Just go back home tomorrow and talk it through. You two are one of the best couples I know. Lucy is absolutely head over heels for you. When we were out for lunch the other day, she was telling me all about it," Joe says.

"Have you two gotten into a fight?" Rami asks while looking at Joe.
"No. But if it happens I know we will get through it. I love him more than anything and a fight isn't going to pull us apart," Joe says. Rami smiles at him.
"I can tell how much you two love each other. It is crazy how long you two kept denying that you liked each other." Joe chuckles.
"Yeah, I know. If I had known sooner, I would have immediately asked him. You have known me for a long time and you know that I have been on many dates. But I never felt the way I feel when I'm around Ben. We are made for each other. I can't imagine my life without him anymore. It is crazy," Joe says. Unbeknownst to him, Ben has been standing in the doorway. Rami looks up at Ben before shooting him a quick wink. That catches Joe's attention and he immediately turns around. Ben walks over. 
"I love you too," Ben says before placing a kiss on the crown of Joe's head. 


Hey guys!

It's my birthday! And as a tradition, I published this chapter around midnight because I still don't have a life.

I posted a new artwork of Brian May on my Instagram; Make sure to check it out. And if it isn't too much trouble you could tag Brian. It would be the best birthday gift I could imagine if Brian gets to see the artwork!

Thank you for all your support and all the comments you guys leave. They honestly brighten my day whenever I read them! Thank you!

I hope y'all have a wonderful day today!

Take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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