Chapter 38

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Although Joe spends all day on set, they still try to make sure they dine together most of the nights. Tonight, they are sitting at their dinner table with a glass of wine.
"How does it feel to be back in New York?" Ben asks. Joe smiles at him before taking a quick sip.
"It feels good. I really missed it here. I didn't really realize that while I was away though," Joe says.
"I can imagine. I mean, you spend most of your life here," Ben says. Joe nods.
"I did. How is that working for you? Don't you want to go back to the UK?" Ben shrugs. He lets his fingers run over the bottom of his wine glass.
"Not really. I mean it was good to be back in the United Kingdom a few weeks ago. But living here saves so much trouble with traveling for auditions.  And I made some new friends here. It's also nice to have Rami and Lucy close by," Ben says. Joe nods.

"Rami is in Australia filming a movie, isn't he?" Joe asks. He grabs the jar of cookies from the other side of the table. He offers Ben one, but Ben shakes his head.
"Yeah, he is. Quite a big project I believe. He isn't back for another month."
"Poor Lucy."
"She is coming over tomorrow. I'll offer her to stay for dinner. Maybe watch a movie in the evening?" Joe smiles.
"Sounds like a plan. I'd love to hang out with her again. I'll try to get here on time," Joe says.

The next day, the doorbell rings just after lunch. Ben hurries to the door to open it, as soon as he does, Lucy wraps his arms around him.
"Hey Benny," She says. Ben places a quick kiss on her cheek.
"Hey Luce," He says while stepping aside to let her in. She puts her purse down next to the couch before sitting down.
"Can I offer you anything to drink?" Ben asks. Lucy chuckles.
"Whatever you are having is fine," She says. Ben makes his way over to the kitchen to get them something to drink.

A few minutes later, he comes back with two tea glasses and some cookies.
"Here you go," He says while putting everything on the table.
"Thank you," Lucy says. Ben makes himself comfortable on the couch.
"How are you doing?" Lucy asks. 
"I am doing very well. What about you?" Ben asks. 
"Doing very good. A little bummed that Rami is away, but that's part of the job," Lucy says.
"Yeah, it sucks though."

A few hours later, they are playing a board game. Ben catches Lucy staring at him.
"What's up?" He asks while raising his eyebrows. Lucy chuckles.
"Nothing. I am just really glad to see you smiling so much. A few months ago, I was afraid I was never going to see that beautiful smile of you again," Lucy says. Ben's lip quivers. 
"I-" Ben shakes his head. Tears well up in his eyes. He quickly wipes them away with the back of his hands. 
"Sorry," He mumbles.
"Come here," Lucy says while standing up and opening her arms. Ben hurries towards her, before wrapping his arms tightly around her. Lucy sways them back and forth for a while.

"I am sorry for bringing it up. I just want to let you know how proud I am of you. You've come so far," Lucy says while breaking the hug. Ben takes a shaky breath while nodding.
"I know, I know. I couldn't have done it without your and Rami's help," Ben says. Lucy smiles.
"We were very glad to help you out. Because Ben, you are a wonderful person. And you honestly deserve the best and everything more," Lucy says. Ben shakes his head briefly.
"Thank you," He whispers. 

Lucy takes place on her chair again.
"How are you and Joe doing?" Lucy asks. Ben smiles.
"We are doing pretty good. I think we are both still kind of nervous and on edge. But I think we are both agreeing that we want to continue this," Ben says. 
"I hope, for both of you, that this works out. Because honestly, you two are made for each other," Lucy says.
"I think so too."

Lucy agreed to help out with cooking dinner. So, currently, she is standing behind the stove making pasta while Ben is working on a desert. 
"Luc, can I ask something?" Ben asks. Lucy turns to look at him.
"Are you in contact with Gwil?" Ben asks. Lucy raises an eyebrow at him.
"I am. Rami is more in contact with him than I am. But I spoke to him not too long ago. Why?" Lucy asks. 
"Is he doing alright?" Ben asks. 
"He is doing okay. He is not too happy with the situation he put himself into, but he is making it work," Lucy says.
"Good, that is what I wanted to know."
"Gwil asked me not to say too much about this in case you guys asked something about it. But just know that he didn't do it because of the reason you are probably thinking," Lucy says. Before Ben can ask more, the doorbell rings. Lucy turns around to open it. 

"LUCYYYYY," Ben hears Joe yell. It is followed by Lucy loudly laughing.
"Hi, Mazz. How are you doing?" 
"Very tired but also very alright. How about you?"
"I am doing well."
"What are you two making? It smells amazing," Joe says while walking into the kitchen. He quickly pecks Ben's lips.
"Hey, sweetheart."
"Hi, Lucy is making spaghetti. Your mom gave me your favorite recipe," Ben says. Joe's eyes widened.
"She did? That's amazing."


Hey guys,

I hope you are doing alright (pun intended)?

May today be an amazing day for you!

Take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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