Chapter 22

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The next day, Rami is in front of Ben's front door again. Joe had been on the phone all day. He has been arranging everything so he could move back into his house in Los Angeles. He had put it up for sale when Ben moved in with him. As it hadn't sold yet, he was able to get it back.

Rami lets himself into the house with the key Ben and Joe had given him a while ago. Like yesterday, the entire house seemed empty. Rami knocks on the door of the bedroom a few times before he opens it. Ben is laying on his back and is staring at the ceiling above him. He is wearing the same clothes as yesterday. 
"Hey," Rami says while sitting down on the edge of the bed. The plate with food is still sitting on the nightstand. It is clear that Ben has eaten a few more bites, but the plate was still mostly full. The water bottle lays disregarded empty on the floor.

"How are we holding up today?" Rami asks. Ben simply shrugs.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Ben doesn't look Rami in the eye but simply nods.
"You can always call me if you make up your mind." Ben nods again.

Rami leaves the room to heat up the food he brought with him. He takes yesterday's food with him so he can do the dishes. This time he brings Ben more water, hoping he will drink more.
"Lucy is coming tomorrow evening because I have a meeting planned." For the first time, Ben opens his mouth to speak, "Not necessary." His voice his hoarse and lower than usual.
"Are you going to cook for yourself then?" Rami asks. Ben immediately shrugs.
"Well, in that case, Lucy is coming tomorrow."

"Look, Ben. I don't know what happened. But I can see how much it's bothering you. I am here for you. I don't care what happened. People make mistakes and I am not here to judge. I want to help you in whatever way benefits you," Rami says. 
"Thanks," Ben mumbles while holding his hand against his forehead.
"Is there anything I can do for you right now?" Rami asks. Ben immediately shakes his head.
"Do you want me to stay for a bit?" Ben shrugs. Rami takes off his shoes before letting his back rest against the headboard of the bed.

They sit in silence for a long time. Rami looks to his side when he hears a sob escape from Ben's throat. Ben has a hand in front of his eyes while his body moves with every sob. Rami scoots over so he can wrap an arm around Ben. He doesn't say anything while he lets Ben get it out of his system. 
"Talk to me," Rami says softly. Ben shakes his head.
"I don't want to," Ben mumbles. 
"Ben, it is okay. I am not here to judge you. I am here to help. I won't judge you for anything that happened." Ben shrugs.
"I fucked it up. I just need some time to process what has happened. And I'd rather do that alone," Ben says. Rami lets out a loud sigh. He pats Ben on the shoulder.
"If you ever change your mind, just give me a call. Lucy will be here tomorrow to bring you your dinner," Rami says. Ben hums. 

When Rami comes back home, Lucy and Joe are sitting on the couch. Joe looks up at Rami once he walks in. Joe's eyes are red and puffy and his hair is warry.
"I am flying to LA next Wednesday. Is it okay for me to stay here until then?" Joe asks. Rami shrugs.
"Sure. How are you holding up?" Rami asks while letting himself fall onto the couch. 
"I don't know. I have been keeping myself busy. It'll probably hit me more when I don't have anything to do," Joe says. He looks off in the distance.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucy asks. 
"It just sucks. I never expected Ben to do something like this. Especially after my last girlfriend cheated on me. We had talked about that a lot and he knew how much that had hurt. I thought that he loved me. Just a few weeks ago we were talking about the fact that we were convinced that we'd be spending our future together. And then he does something like this. I just don't understand," Joe says. He shakes his head while he takes a shaky breath.
"I was over at Ben's today," Rami tries. Joe shakes his head.
"I don't want to hear about this, Rami. I don't care what excuse he has come up with. He cheated and I'll never forgive him for that," Joe says. Rami locks eyes with Lucy.
"I am not saying that you have to forgive him. But it might be good, for the both of you, to sit down and talk about what happened. Just so you can leave this behind you," Rami calmly explains. Joe stands up from the couch.
"I don't care what he has to say. Don't ask me again. I am not going to talk to him," Joe says before storming off to the bedroom.

Lucy turns to Rami.
"Joe isn't doing well. I don't think that he wanted to admit it to you. But he spent the entire evening crying."
"I already noticed the puffy eyes. I get why he doesn't want to talk to Ben, but it'd be better for both of them," Rami says. Lucy nods slowly.
"Have you figured out what happened?" Lucy asks. Rami grabs the glass of water Lucy has put in front of him.
"Not really. Ben doesn't want to talk at all. All he said was that he fucked up. From what Joe said, he walked in on Ben and Gwil making out. But I have no clue if they have done more than that," Rami says.

"How is Ben holding up?" Lucy asks. Rami shakes his head.
"Not good. He doesn't want to talk at all. I doubt that he left his bed after yesterday evening. He barely ate anything from what I brought him. But I told him you'd bring dinner tomorrow. I said that I had a meeting. Maybe you can get him to talk," Rami says. Lucy nods.
"I'll see what I can do." Rami wraps an arm around Lucy before pulling her into his chest.
"I love you," Rami whispers. 
"I love you too."


Hey guys,

More angsty stuff is coming! But there is also a tiny bit of light at the the end of tunnel. A stip on the horizon as one would say.

How are y'all holding up?

Take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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