Chapter 12

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Joe and Ben had just laid down in bed. They spent the day watching movies and chatting. Tomorrow they would start work again. That also meant that today was the last day they could spend together without being worried about making coworkers suspicious. 
"Can we cuddle tonight?" Ben asks. 
"Sure thing. Do you want me to hold you?" Joe asks. Ben nods so eagerly that Joe can't resist but laugh loudly.
"Come here you silly goose," Joe says while opening his arms. Ben doesn't need convincing before he places his head on Joe's shoulder. 
"Thank you. This is really nice," Ben says. 
"Anything for you, sweetheart," Joe says while he places a kiss on the crown of Ben's head. 
"Thanks, I love you." Ben's eyes widen while he gasps.
"Sorry that just rushed out," Ben says. Joe chuckles.
"Ben, look at me." Ben sits up so he can look Joe in the eye.
"I love you too," Joe says. Ben's eyes widen before a big smile covers his face. He leans in to kiss Joe.

The next day when they arrive on set, everyone is already there. Gwil raises an eyebrow at Ben, but Ben just shakes his head. Even though Gwil is a little suspicious of their relationship, they decided that they want to wait a little longer before telling them. Although, they are pretty sure that Lucy knows. 
"What did you do this weekend?" Gwil says when they sit down in the make-up chairs.
"Oh, Ben just showed me around the area. I had to get out of my hotel room for a bit. I need to keep myself busy," Joe explains. He knows that Gwil won't ask any follow-up questions. 
"Hey guys," A very familiar voice says . Gwil turns around to see that Brian had just walked through the door. Everyone immediately greets Brian. 
"The crew wants me to ask you to get to set," Brian says. They immediately get up. Neither of them says anything while they get into character. 

"Joe, can I borrow you for a minute?" Brian asks just as Joe was about to walk through the door. Joe immediately turns around. Although he has talked to Brian many times before, he had yet to talk with Brian alone.
"Are you going to fire me?" Joe jokes. Brian just chuckles while he sat down on one of the armchairs. He motions for Joe to sit down on the couch. 
"I haven't been able to tell you this sooner, but my sincere condolences," Brian says. Joe takes a deep breath.
"Thank you," Joe says. 

"I have something I want to show you tonight. It involves a video of your father," Brian says. Joe's breathing gets stuck in his throat.
"Okay," Joe says. 
"Why don't you come over to my house after you are done? I don't think Anita will mind cooking for an extra person," Brian says. Joe smiles while he nods.
"Can Ben come along too? He has been helping me get through this all," Joe says. 
"Of course. You two are really close, aren't you?" Brian asks. Joe nods.
"If I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone?" Joe asks. 
"You have my word now and forever," Brian says.
"Ben and I are dating. We haven't told anyone yet. Because we don't want anyone nagging us if this doesn't end up working out," Joe explains. Brian has a huge smile on his face.
"I had a feeling. You two are really cute together," Brian says.
"Thank you."

After shooting, Joe told Ben that he was invited to come along to Brian's house. They both dressed nicely before driving towards the address Brian had sent them. Brian is the one to open the door.
"Come in," Brian says. Joe had already told Ben that Brian knew that they were together. That'd probably make things a lot easier. They follow Brian into the kitchen. 
"This is my wife, Anita," Brian says. Anita was standing behind the stove. She turned around to greet the two gentlemen. Joe immediately walked over to shake her hand.
"It is so nice to meet you. Brian has told us many great things about you," Joe says. Anita looked over at Brian who just shot her a wink. Ben greets her as well. 

"I am almost done. So, Brian if you can grab something to drink," Anita says. After Brian poured them drinks, they sat down for dinner. When they were done eating, Joe realised how special it was to be sitting across from Brian May while casually eating dinner. Yet they chatted like old friends. 

"So, Joe, if my memory does not deceive me, you told me the first time we met that your father was a Queen fan. That he was the one most supportive of you becoming part of that movie," Brian says. Joe takes a deep breath while he nods slowly. Under the table, Ben places his hand on Joe's knee to give him some sort of support. 
"We actually wanted to surprise you. I was able to get ahold of a roughly edited version of the Live Aid concert you guys did. We send it to your mother who showed it to your father and she filmed his reaction. I was going to show you the video the next time I came over, unfortunately, he passed in the meantime. But I don't want to keep this video from you," Brian says. Joe brings his hand to his mouth while he blinks rapidly, trying to keep the tears away.

Brian sets an iPad in front of them. Ben scoots his chair closer to Joe when Joe's dad appears on the screen. Ben wraps an arm around Joe's back. 
"Heslookjulikim," Ben can't make out what Joe's dad was saying, but apparently his mom did.
"He looks just like him, huh? Does he look good?" 
"Yes." The first tear makes its way down Joe's face. Ben uses his thumb to wipe it away. For a while, they just watch Joe's dad's reaction. A very big smile coated his face while he watched his son. 
"Hecoulbinqueen," Joe's dad said at the end.
"He could be in Queen?" Joe's mom asked from the other end of the camera. Joe's dad nodded.

"Are you proud of him?" She asked. Joe's dad nodded again.
"Iam, hopesheknosit," Ben was slowly learning to understand what Joe's dad was saying.
"I am sure he knows how proud you are of him. Do you know who send us this video?" Joe's dad shook his head while he turned his head to look at his wife.
"Brian May. Do you remember who that is?" Joe's dad's eyes widened while he nodded.
"He is going to show Joe this video. Is there anything you want to say to Joe?" Joe's mom asked. Joe's dad took a deep breath.
"Proud of you, Joe. Keep going," It looked like it took all the energy and willpower of Joe's dad to talk as clear as he did. That is when Joe absolutely lost it.  Ben pulls Joe into his chest while shushing him softly.
"It's okay. He was so proud of you. So proud of you," Ben whispers. 

After a few minutes, Ben lets go of Joe. Brian is watching them with an adoring look on his face. Joe dries off his face with the sleeves of his button-up before standing up. He walks straight to Brian before grabbing him in the biggest hug. Brian gladly wrapped his arms around Joe.
"Thank you. Thank you so much," Joe says.
"You are very welcome. And once more my condolences," Brian says. Joe sits down in his seat once again.
"Sorry, I still am a bit of a mess," He says while drying off his face again.
"That is never something you have to be sorry for. We all know how it is to lose someone," Brian says.
"I am really glad that my dad got to see this. He really wanted to see me as John. He was really sad when he realised he probably wouldn't make it to see the movie," Joe says. Ben keeps rubbing his hand over Joe's back. Joe shoots him a grateful smile. 
"Thank you,"  Joe says while looking at Brian again.


Hey guys,

I promise that the next chapter will be a less sad chapter!

I had to include Brain in a chapter because after seeing him live I have become an even bigger fan of him. That man is a legend.

Take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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