Chapter 20

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That Thursday Gwil, Ben and Joe are seated at the kitchen table, eating breakfast.
"I need to leave. I have two auditions back to back. After that, I'll stop by the grocery store to do some groceries. So, I'll probably be back around 1 or 2 this afternoon," Joe says. He is checking his backpack to make sure he has everything with him.
"Alright. Good luck, sweetheart. I know you are going to crush it," Ben says. Joe smiles at him before giving him a quick kiss.
"Good luck, Joe. You better nail it," Gwil says.
"Thanks, mate. I'll try."

"Do you have anything to do today?" Gwil asks. Ben immediately shakes his head.
"Is there any way you could help me run my lines for my own audition tomorrow?" Gwil asks.
"Sure. If you give me about half an hour, I'll quickly do some chores so they are done when Joe gets home," Ben says.
"I can help you," Gwil says.
"No, it's okay. It is not a lot."

Joe stops by a little bar close to the office he has his auditions. To make sure he was on time he left early. After ordering a coffee, he sits down in the corner of the bar. He takes his script out of his backpack to go over it one more time. When he opens the script a note falls out.

Good luck, honey! I know you are going to crush it. I love you <3

Joe couldn't help but smile while staring at the note. He folds it before putting it in his pocket. This wasn't the first time that Ben wrote him a note. When Ben had to leave early for work, he would write a note and put it on his own pillow for Joe to find when he woke up. When he knows Joe is having a tough time he leaves a few notes scattered throughout the house. The other day, Joe found one in the fridge as soon as he opened the door. Every time he found a note, it would paint a smile on his face. He kept a jar of all notes that Ben wrote in his office. 

Gwil and Ben are sitting on the couch together. Gwil suggested cleaning the entire apartment. It was actually Joe's week to do most of the cleaning, but Ben didn't have anything to do anyways. So, Ben and Gwil cleaned the entire apartment from top to bottom.
"Thanks for helping me," Ben says.
"No problem, mate. It was more fun than anything else," Gwil says.
"Are you ready for your auditions tomorrow?" Gwil takes a sip from his glass of water.
"I think so. I know all my lines, but I am not too sure about the direction for the second project. But I am just going in and we will see what happens," Gwil says.
"You crushed it when we were going over the lines earlier. Pretty sure you'll make a good impression," Ben says.
"I hope so. Do you have anything lined up?"
"Not at the moment. A few weeks ago I wrapped up a project. I have some auditions coming up, but nothing too exciting yet."

Joe was done sooner than he had expected. When he walks into the living room he drops everything he is holding on the floor. That causes Ben to look up. His eyes widened once he realises what is happening. Joe came in to find Gwil and Ben wrapped in a heavy make-out session. Joe's nostrils flair while he looks at the two men sitting on his couch.

"Joe, I-" Ben begins. Joe shakes his head.
"Save it. Gwil get the fuck out of my house," Joe says calmly. His voice sounds lower than usual.
"Joe, this is not Ben's fault. I started and didn't give him a chance to back out," Gwil says while he stands up from the couch.
"I believe I told you to get the fuck out of my house," Joe says. Gwil's adam's apple bobs while he nods slowly.
"Right," He mumbles before hurrying towards the front door. He doesn't look back. Joe stays silent until the sound of the front door closing fills his ears.

Joe slowly turns to Ben to meet his eyes.
"Care to explain?" Ben looks away from Joe. He closes his eyes while he tries to think of what he has to say.
"I- There is no excuse for this. Gwil pulled me in for a kiss. At first, I tried to stop him but when he didn't let me pull right away I made no move after that." Ben admits. His shoulders slump. Joe's arms are crossed over each other while he watches Ben with narrowed eyes.
"Why?" Joe asks. His voice is still as low as Ben has ever heard. Ben shakes his head.
"I don't know. I didn't know why he pulled me in for a kiss and I felt bad. And- and- I don't know" Ben mumbles.
"Why would you do this to me?" Joe repeats. His jaw clenches while he looks at his boyfriend.
"I don't know. I fucked up. I fucked up so badly." Ben says. His face is as pale as the walls behind him. His mind is racing for a solution.

"Yes, you fucked up pretty badly. I thought you were different." Joe yells. He strides past Ben towards their bedroom. He grabs a suitcase before putting it down on the bed. He throws in some clothes and his toiletry bag. He slams it shut once he is done. Ben watches the whole happening with wide eyes. Joe glares at him.
"Joe, we need to talk about this."
"What is there left to talk about, Ben?" Joe asks He slams the bathroom door shut, causing Ben to flinch. Ben opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off by Joe.
"Were you making out with Gwil, yes or No?" Joe asks. His eyebrows are pushed into a frown. Ben looks down at the tip of his shoes.
"Yes, but he pull-"

"Is kissing someone else while you're in a committed relationship cheating, yes or no?" Joe continues.
"You're misreading the situat-" Desperation is radiating from Ben's voice.
"There is nothing to talk about. You broke my fucking heart. I really thought you were different," Joe whispers the last part.
"Tomorrow at eleven I'll be here to pick up all my stuff. I don't want to see your face while I'm here. Go to your new boyfriend I'd say." With that, Joe turns around. He ignores everything that Ben is saying and slams the front door shut behind him.


Hey guys,

Should I say sorry?

Also, thank Tay in the comments. I made him guess a number under ten. If he guessed right, I'd upload this chapter today. Without him, you guys would have had to wait until Tuesday. 

Take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe

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