Chapter 8

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Axel Allen

I've just finished school and I talked to Nerissa. She just doesent talk much its wierd. I heard the so called popular girls of this school talking about her by the Cafeteria. They all try to hit on me a lot for people who were slut shaming another girl. Disgusting.

I meet Jackson today. There will be no negotiations this time. I want my money. Hes taking advantage of me now. I'm sick of it.

Im on my way to my headquarters. As soon as I get there everyone quickly straightens themself out. I like the fear people have of me. It shows I really am powerful.
"Boss Jackson is in the interrogation room" my right wing man and my bestfriend Sam said.
He acts like he fears me in front of everyone else but this boy offers me pure blatant disrespect.
I nodded and him and he had a sly smirk on his face.

He and my mom were the only people in my life. I'm lucky to still have Sam here with me today. With the mafia and all we go on extremely dangerous missions. We do this but we know it could cost us our lives.

He and I are headed to the interrogation room.
"You know that he dint bring anything right?" Sam said to me with a smirk.
"You sick fuck. I could have found out for myself" I say frustrated. And he smirks even more.
"Look you need a plan he dint bring anything and he doesn't seem to be taking anything of yours seriously." He paused and smirked.
"I say we go for the kill" 
All this boy thinks about is his gun. Guns,guns,guns. Of course that's Sam for you.

"No you idioti. Hes Nerissa Davids father." He looked at me wide eyed.
"So the business will slow down because you have a little crush?!"
I rolled my eyes at him.
"No but have you seen that girl? Shes so fragile and shes so afraid. She doesn't talk to anyone and shes mad rich."
He eyed me suspiciously. Sam skips school because he really doesn't care. If push comes to shove he will always inherit hes father's wealth.

Now that I think of it he hasnt been to school in weeks.
"You should come to school for once and see what I mean" he frowned a little.
"I hate school bro"
"I know you hate it but just come and see for yourself." He sighed.
"Fine but I'm just gonna spend majority of my time bunking all the classes. I just wanna meet Nerissa." He said seriously.
"Nerissa doesn't like anyone not even me so its gonna be hard to talk to her" I paused.
"Your patience regarding the matter would be greatly appreciated Samuel" I said to him and he glared at me. I smirked.

We finally got to the interrogation room. I opened the door and laid my jacket down.
"Right Davids. I'm sick of you not bringing my money" I said frustrated.
"There are no more negotiations. My money by tommorow. It's a very lengthy sum. I dont really give a fuck were you will get. Just get it. Understood?" I said holding my gun now. He just nodded. I gave him a good slap and left him to my men for a little more torture. Hes going to feel real pain. Then he will be let go and bring my money tommorow.

I go to my dungeons to see my dad.
"So my son has me as prisoner huh?" He asks. I chuckled. Is he serious?
"Taste of your own medicine old hag?"
I told him. He glared at me.
"No shit. Just came to make shre you're still alive" I said whilst waking away. My mom wouldnt be proud of me today. But my safety and her safety were my priority. If locking my dad up was the option then so it was.

I'm in my office with Sam and were looking through a couple of files of more people who owe us.
"Bro look, this says Nerissa Davids. This must be the missing piece we couldnt find the day we looked her up." He said
He handed me the file.
I read it.

Nerissa Davids

Additional information : domestically abused by biological father, Jackson Davids and mother, Avia Davids. Has obtained many scars. Ran away from them to live with uncle in Alleyway

I looked at the file shocked.
"Sam if Nerissa is in this city then shes in danger. She ran away from the city she stayed to here. Because her parents abused her." I said boiling with an anger I'm failing to understand.
I just let that sick fuck Jackson loose into the city. If shes around hes going to murder her.

"Axel we need to save this girl. Her father is an extremely dangerous man" Sam said.

"Not only do we need to save her. We need to get rid of her parents."

Hes right we do need to save her. I have so many questions. I feel obligated to protect this girl but I dont really know why.

There goes the headstrong and arrogant boy lol. But he isnt gone completely. Stay tuned to my book to keep seeing Axel!
Hally reading loves<3

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