Chapter 12

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Nerissa Davids 

After Axel's blow out, Mr Anderson left the class and dint come back. Much to everyone's advantage it was the last lesson of the day. I dont know what's wrong with Axel today. Hes mood has  been faltered all day. He has the worst temper with everyone today. Sam said hes ok but obviously hes outburst says otherwise.

I was walking out of my class and went to the back gate where I told the driver to pick me up because people at this school gave me wierd stares when the whole ass car showed up. As I was walking I saw someone sitting down in the alleyway by the school. Thats why this place is called Alleyway.I wanted to run but I noticed the backpack next to him. That's Axel's. Meaning that's Axel with his head lying low.

"Axel?" I said and he looked up before putting his head back down.
"Go away" he said. Hes voice strained and exhausted.
"Not when you look like this" I said
"I'm perfectly fine"he growled. I got a little scared but I'm determined to know what has him this way if he wants to let me know. But I'm definitely not leaving him in this alleyway.
I sit down by him on the ground. And he looked up.

"Why do you care?" He asked angrily.
"Noone ever cares" he added angrily.
"Because I know what its like not to talk about my feelings." It's true back in my hometown when my parents abused me and people showed genuine interest in my well being I shut them out. That resulted in my nightmares and other side effects.

He sighed.
"Axel, it's ok if you dont want to tell m-" he cut me off.
"Today is the 4th anniversary of my mother's death." He let out.
"Its difficult for me to deal with that because she was my all. My father is abusive but I fought him over.It still doesn't change the fact that shes gone."
He said. He was on the verge of sobbing.
I turned to my side and gave him a hug. Slowly I felt tears fall into the crook of my neck and he let out a small sniffle every now and then.

I just hugged him and let him finish talking.
"Its been hell since then Nerissa. I miss her everyday. But on this day the emotions strike the most" he said. I wiped of hes tears.
"You're very strong boy Axel. I'm sorry about your mother. And I'm always here. Never keep your emotions in. It's not good for you." I said to him and he nodded. I hugged him one last time before standing up. The driver is probably waiting for me. Axel got up and we left the alleyway.
"Thank you Nerissa." He said making me smile a little
"Anytime" I said

I went out to the drivers car and Axel went out to his. The drivers was probably so upset. Oh well.


As we traveled home I decided to stop for starbucks. I went in to buy my cup and stood in the corner. Suddenly I was pulled by my hair and someone covered my mouth. I let out a whimper and tears began to form in my eyes.
"So this is where you are you little whore" I realised that voice anywhere. It was my dad's voice. He slapped me and thrashed me.
"I told you that you could not hide for long." He said kicking me by my rib making me cry out in pain. We were in the middle of the parking lot in between cars so noone could really see.

He kept thrashing me until he suddenly stopped.
"So this is what you do Davids. Huh?" A voice said. It was Axel's voice. He called him Davids? He knows my dad? I had so many questions but I was in so much pain and I was  bleeding at this point.
I heard someone punched to the ground. All I felt was me being picked up in someone's arms before blacking out. For the millionth time in my life.


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