Chapter I

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This stupid name.

Most would be happy to be in her shoes. She lived most of her life in a massive mansion, getting everything she'd wanted. Well, not everything, but normally if she wanted something, she'd get it.

But still, Weiss was a Schnee. Everyone knew of her father's reputation, and most would judge her for it. And, to be fair, they weren't entirely wrong to think that. Looking back at her attitude just a few weeks back, Weiss wasn't exactly happy with herself. But even then, she knew what her father was doing was wrong, and she'd always wanted to fix that. But nobody believed her. All they ever saw was a Schnee.

And those who didn't think that way were as blinded by lien signs as her father. They only liked her because of some false admiration of who they thought she was, or for the same reasons her father had married her mother; for the money.

The only exceptions were her friends. Ruby, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren. They all knew who she was. They all knew her intentions. None of them viewed her as some rich brat, or someone to use for the money. Granted she was a rich brat just a few weeks back, and she still had some of that old attitude. But she was improving, and they saw it clear as day, and were surprisingly understanding when the old attitude came back, though they wouldn't hesitate to talk back to her when she went too far.

Weiss loved just spending time with them. Though she'd found them to be annoyances at first, now she loved just being around them. It was far different from her life back home, even if she'd never admit it.

Weiss never admitted how much she really cared about them. Of course deep down she knew she loved them more than anything, but there was still something inside that kept her from telling them. Still, she showed it in her own way.

But there were always those moments where they'd get on her nerves. And of course, when she was studying that day, and Ruby burst into the room, she knew this was going to be one of those moments.

"I'm bored!" Ruby yelled out. "Entertain me!"

Weiss rolled her eyes. Inside she felt a small smile at Ruby's childish behavior, but she was far too busy for this now.

"I can't right now," she said, "I'm studying."

"Awwww," Ruby immediately wilted like a flower, walking further into their dorm, and mumbling to herself. "Yeah, I know you're busy. That makes sense. I don't really have anything else to do, but you got stuff to take care of. That's fine."

Weiss kept reading through her books, and internally sighed knowing Ruby wasn't going to stop there.

"After you're done, uhhhh... would you wanna hang out?" Ruby asked.

As thankful as she was that Ruby would spend this much time trying to hang out with her of all people, she still had to study. Of course she'd be happy to hang out with Ruby, even though she was probably planning on doing something Weiss wasn't exactly fond of. But studying always came first.

"I'll be at this all night," Weiss said.

Ruby whimpered, waddling away slowly. Knowing Ruby, Weiss knew that wasn't the end of it. And of course she was right, as Ruby slid across the floor on her back, reading a book. How she didn't accidentally get caught on her cape, Weiss had no clue.

"Maybe we could study together?" Ruby asked.

Though it was kind of entertaining to have Ruby being Ruby off to the side at first, now it was just getting annoying. Weiss rolled her eyes in annoyance, without turning to her for a moment, keeping her focus directly on her work.

"Ruby, I really just need to focus!" she said, in a tone that would hopefully let Ruby know she was genuinely too busy to hang out.

Again Ruby whimpered, scooting away. Weiss shook her head in annoyance, knowing Ruby wasn't done yet. As she turned to look for a sheet of paper to continue studying with, she could hear Ruby stepping up next to her, a wide smile on her face.

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