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Weiss waited in the alleyway for her friends.

Not the turtles. Weiss had done all she'd needed with the turtles. She'd reunited with them, saved them and their father, and was keeping in contact with them.

Now she wanted a moment with the friends who had been beside her this whole time.

She heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle approaching, and smiled as she saw Yang turn the corner, riding Bumblebee, with Blake sitting behind her, arms wrapped around her waist.

"I win!!!" she shouted, pulling off her helmet.

Ruby dashed around the corner, a trail of rose petals behind her.

"No fair!" she said. "Blake wasn't supposed to shoot at me!"

"Says who?" Yang said. "We didn't make any rules."

Weiss cleared her throat, catching her friends' attention.

"I'm glad you guys could make it," Weiss said with a smile.

Yang set her helmet down, and approached her with Ruby and Blake.

"So," Yang said, "what's up?"

"Is something wrong?" Ruby asked.

"No, not exactly," Weiss said. "I just wanted to talk."

Blake crossed her arms. "We're listening."

Weiss sighed. "It's just... my whole life, I've had a label... I've had a name that gave people different viewpoints on who I was... my last name has defined who I am for as long as I remember, in the worst way possible... That was why the turtles were my only friends for a while... they were the only ones that couldn't judge me based on my name..."

Her friends listened with intrigue, unsure of where this was going.

"And then I met you guys," Weiss said. "Of course there was judgement at first. And, to be fair... you weren't wrong... but as we got to know each other... you no longer judge me for my name... but for my character... and I just wanted to tell you guys how much I appreciate that... you all mean so much to me... the only thing about our history I wish was different... is that I wish I was nicer when we met..."

They smiled at her, and Ruby dashed to her, pulling her into a hug.

"You're my bestie too, Weiss!" she said.

"I must admit," Blake said, "I thought you were annoying at first, but... I'm glad I met you, Weiss. You have helped me through a lot."

"We love you too, Ice Queen," Yang said with a smirk.

Weiss chuckled at the nickname.

"Um... Weiss?" Ruby said. "Did you invite them?"

Weiss turned around, and she smiled, shaking her head as she saw a large, green garbage truck arrive behind them, clearly turned into an advanced vehicle made for combat scenarios by Donatello.

Mikey opened a side door, beatboxing.

"Wiki-wiki, DJ Mikey in the house!"

Team RWBY smiled, and Weiss approached the van.

"What are you guys doing here?" Weiss asked.

Leo leaned out the window, smiling at Weiss. His wounds were fully healed, and his bandages were no longer on his body.

"We figured we owed you a thanks for keeping our secret," Raphael said.

"You had our backs," Leo said.

"Like I said," Weiss said with a smile, "that's what family is for."

Leo smiled.

"So you guys are driving now?" Yang said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, man!" Donnie said. "I pimped this bad boy out! Got a 42-inch plasma with the NBA package, shave ice machine, 7.1 digital surround sound!"

"Check the bass, bra!" Mikey said, pressing a button.

But instead of a speaker, a large missile launcher appeared over the truck.

"Uh oh," Ruby whispered.

The girls ducked down as a missile fired from the truck, exploding as it crashed into Bumblebee.

Yang's eyes widened in horror as she watched her bike light up in flames.

"Ooh," Mike cringed. "My bad... I'm still figuring out the buttons..."

Yang turned to him. "That was Bumblebee... That was my bike... T-T-That was my favorite bike..."

"We'd better get out of here," Leo said. "Want a ride to the launch bay?"

Yang placed a hand on her chest, holding in the tears.

"You know what?" Blake said, placing an arm on Yang's shoulder. "I think we're gonna take the subway."

"Yeah," Ruby said. "We'll take the subway."

"You sure?" Mike said, smiling at Ruby as Yang and Blake left. "I got a real nice song that's all cued up. It's special, girl."

"No, don't," Raph said.

"For us," Mike continued, ignoring them, as Happy Together by The Turtles started playing.

"Come on, Mikey!" Leo begged.

"No, no, no, Mikey, you promised!" Donnie said.

Ruby and Weiss looked at each other for a moment, and Ruby held in a giggle.

"It's happening!" Mike said, as he began to sing. "Imagine me and you, I do! I think about you day and night--"

The turtles grabbed Mike, and pulled him back into the truck, before driving away.

"It's only right!" they heard Mike yell from inside the truck. "To think about-- I'm making really good headway!"

"Shut up, Mikey!" the other three turtles said at the same time.

Ruby and Weiss laughed.

"I like your friends," she said.

Before Weiss could reply, Mike burst out from the back of the truck, singing to Ruby as Raph and Leo held him back.

"I can't see me loving nobody but you, for all my life!"

Ruby burst out laughing, and Weiss rolled her eyes.

"When you're with me, baby, the skies'll be blue, for all my life!"

Weiss could see Leo rolling his eyes in the truck, and giving her one last wave before the truck departed.

She smiled, and waved back to him. And as she did, she finally felt content. Content with herself and her friends. Both her teammates, and the turtles. She didn't need to worry about her name anymore.

She had friends who only cared about her...

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