Chapter VIII

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Weiss looked up at the shattered moon, as she made her way through the streets of Vale.

It was always strange to look up at it. A part of her thought it was a genuinely beautiful thing to look at. But another part felt like there was something haunting about it.

Weiss had gone into Vale tonight with her teammates to look for Kazoku. For hours they had been looking, but there was nothing. Not even a silhouette jumping from one rooftop to another.

Of course the others were getting bored. But not Weiss. She had never seen anyone as incredible as Kazoku, and she needed to know who he was.

"Weeeiiissssss!" Ruby moaned from exhaustion. "Can we just go back now? I'm tiiirrred!"

"I feel like I'm going to pass out at any second," Yang mumbled, as Blake yawned, stretching her arms.

"Feel free to go back whenever you want," Weiss said. "But I'm going to keep searching."

"I've never seen you so interested in someone," Yang said. "It's kinda creeping me out."

"Shut up, you!" Weiss said.

"Weiss, we are bored and tired," Blake mumbled. "Can we please go back?"

Weiss sighed, knowing at this point they would go back any minute now.

"Alright," she said. "You guys can go back if you want."

Suddenly, Blake's eyes widened. "Wait a minute..."

Weiss turned to her. "What?"

Before Blake could answer, Weiss heard it.

A crowd was screaming.

Weiss spun around, and saw a large crowd of people charging out from the subway, spilling out into the streets. Their jaws dropped as they watched. Never before had any of them seen such a massive crowd of people running.

Suddenly, the possibility that whatever was happening could lure out Kazoku came to Weiss' mind, and she quickly ran for the subway.

"Wait!" Ruby called. "Weiss! Where are you going?!"

Weiss ignored her, focusing on pushing past the fleeing civilians into the subway.

Meanwhile, down in the lair in the sewers, Raphael and Michelangelo were staring at the TV, as a news report showed the events taking place.

Donatello led Leonardo into the room, and Raph quickly turned back to see him.

"'Bout time ya got here, o' fearless one," he said.

"What's happening?" Leo asked.

"Hostage situation in the subway," Donnie explained, as Leo bent down to look at the TV.

"It's the Foot Clan," Raph said.

"You know we're not supposed to go above ground," Leo said.

"We've done this before," Raph said. "We've started something, and we gotta finish it."

Leo sighed. Of course he was hesitant. He was about to disobey a direct order from Splinter. But it wasn't like he had a choice. If they didn't do something, those people could be killed.

"Alright," he said. "Let's do this."

The turtles ran to the dojo to grab their weapons.

Meanwhile, Weiss made her way down to the subway, her teammates still up in the streets. She could hear slight commotion further down.

This had to be some sort of hostage situation, though she wasn't sure who was behind it.

She pulled Myrtenaster out, and began loading it with Dust ammunition. As she stood in her battle stance, approaching the sounds in the distance, Weiss could've sworn she'd heard footsteps behind her.

Panicking, Weiss spun around, only for her arm to be grabbed by a Foot Soldier. She stared into that black mask, and though the eyes were hidden by those red lenses, she felt as though the man inside was staring into her soul.

Thinking fast, Weiss swung her other arm at the soldier. But he was clearly trained, and he grabbed her other arm. Before she could attempt to kick him, he tightened his grip on her arms, causing her to cry out in agony, dropping Myrtenaster. The Foot Soldier caught it with his foot, holding it up, and standing on one foot with unbelievable balance.

He spun Weiss around, pulling her into a headlock. He swung his foot up, sending Myrtenaster flying up, and he grabbed it with a free hand, attaching it to his belt.

Weiss attempted to pull his arm off, only for him to grab her arms, and tug them behind her back. He held them both with one hand, and wrapped his free arm around her neck.

Weiss felt the humiliation of this easy defeat. She'd known how dangerous the Foot Clan was, but she'd never knew how skilled just one soldier would be.

He led her through the subway, and, finally, she saw the hostages, lied on the ground, some praying to be saved. Weiss herself was hoping she wouldn't be killed in such a humiliating way.

The Foot Soldier came to a stop, and Weiss' eyes widened as she realized she was standing in front of the dark-haired woman from yesterday.

She smiled as she saw her.

"Weiss Schnee," she said.

Weiss scowled at her, unable to say anything with the Foot Soldier's arm over her neck.

"If it were up to me, I'd leave you with these hostages," Raven said. "Either that, or I'd sell you to your father. But I think Adam would love to talk to you."

Raven smiled as she looked at Weiss' chest, and slowly reached out, grasping her necklace.

"This must be worth something..."

Angered, Weiss attempted to struggle out of the Foot Soldier's hands. But his grip was surprisingly strong. He pulled her arms tighter together in the most painful way, and tightened his grip on her neck.

Though his grip was originally only tight enough to keep Weiss from talking, but gentle enough to give her at least some air, now she wasn't getting any oxygen. And he wasn't loosening his grip.

Raven tugged the necklace off from her neck.

Weiss tried desperately to suck in any breath, knowing she was going to pass out any second. The Foot Soldier let go of her hands, placing his hand over her head, and he knelt down, holding Weiss down in a head-lock. She struggled to breathe, kicking and squirming, and trying desperately to pry his hands off.

It was when the world was beginning to fade around her that she heard a screaming from the subway tunnel.

"Woooo hoooo!"

A train blasted past the hostage situation, and a shadowed figure leapt off the train, kicking the Foot Soldier off Weiss, before tugging the ninjatōs out from its back.

She fell to the ground, coughing violently, as she held a hand over her neck. She lowered her hand to her chest at the realization that her necklace had been stolen.

She looked up, seeing the vigilante tossing Foot Soldiers against the wall. But as she watched the situation, she realized there was more than one.

They were slicing at the soldiers with their weapons, and she could catch glimpses of blood spraying.

As the situation began to calm, she soon realized everything was calm.

Weiss quickly looked around, and saw her weapon and necklace on the ground. She quickly picked up Myrtenaster, putting it back in place on her belt, before attaching the necklace to her neck.

"What were they?"

She could hear people questioning the vigilantes that had just rescued them, and as she quickly looked around for them, she realized they had vanished.

"They went up there!"

Weiss turned to where the voice had come from, and saw that someone was pointing at some sort of plastic chute leading up to the surface.

This was crazy. That wasn't just one vigilante. It was multiple. Three at least.

Frantic to know who they were, Weiss ran for the exit.

They couldn't have gone far...

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