Chapter XXIII

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A bullhead past the lab overhead, making its way to Vale.

"We've gotta move!" Leo called out, leading the turtles into the open with Team RWBY. "Let's go!"

Raph looked up, seeing the bullhead. "Adam's airborne!"

"Flight time to Vale in 19 minutes!" Donnie said.

"Get us out of here, Donnie!" Leonardo ordered.

Donnie looked around the facility, and he saw Foot Soldiers approaching, each holding guns. Immediate panic settled in.

"Oh my gosh! They have guns!"

"GET DOWN!!!" Leo shouted.

He and the turtles spun around, standing over Team RWBY as the bullets flew straight towards them. They screamed in panic, not noticing the bullets bouncing off their shells, some striking a few soldiers.

Leo chuckled. "Are you guys okay?"

"We're bullet proof!" Raph said with a smile.

"Sweet!" Leo said.

The soldiers lifted their weapons again, firing at the turtles.

"Can any of you drive that truck?" Leo asked Team RWBY.

"I can," Yang said.

"Alright," Leo said. "You and Blake get that car started up. Ruby, Weiss, we'll close in on the soldiers. You come with us and help take them out. Got it?"

"Got it," Team RWBY said.

"We're on Raph!" Leo said. "Ready?!"

Raph charged backwards, the other turtles following. Raph spun to the closest soldier, grabbing his weapon, and kicking him in the leg. The soldier tried to punch him, but he moved the weapon in the way, before slamming him in the head with it.

The turtles spun around, pulling out their weapons with Ruby and Weiss.

Leonardo leapt up, kicking two Foot Soldiers aside, before pushing his blades ahead, sinking them deep into two soldiers' stomachs.

Weiss ran towards him, leaping over him, and kicking another soldier with her heels. She ducked down as another swiped his weapon over her head, and she shot up, hitting him in the chin with Myrtenaster.

Raphael twirled his blades, blocking multiple attacks around him, before delivering a kick to one soldier's crotch, and tossed his sai at another, sending it straight into his body. He charged at the Foot Soldier, grabbing the sai, and kicking his body away from it.

Donatello spun his bo staff, knocking multiple enemies back. One came from behind, but he sent his staff straight back, hitting him in the stomach. He spun around, kicking the soldier in the face, knocking him to the ground. He knelt down to the soldier, pulling a scroll from his pocket, before moving on.

Ruby was fighting in a very similar style, twirling Crescent Rose wildly, and blasting it at soldiers to knock them back. A soldier fired at her from behind, and she ducked, planting the blade of Crescent Rose into the ground, and pushing herself up off the ground, using the weapon as support as she twirled her body, and kicked the soldier back.

Michelangelo used his nunchucks to knock a soldier's weapon from his hands, before hitting him square in the jaw, causing him to drop to the ground. He spun around, kicking another in the face, before turning back around to hit a third in the stomach with a nunchuck, and then in the face with the other.

Yang and Blake climbed into the truck as fast as they could, Yang looking around for a way to start the vehicle.

"Yang, you know how to drive this, right?" Blake said.

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