Chapter X

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"Well, that went well."

Leonardo rolled his eyes at Donatello's words, staring down at the unconscious woman in front of him. This had ended up far worse than he'd expected. Things had been going so well, and then this girl somehow managed to find them.

This was only their second mission, and they had already been discovered by a civilian, who had taken their picture. He could see Master Splinter glaring down at him in disappointment, something Leo felt guilt from just imagining.

"Way to go, fellas," Raphael said. "Second mission, and we already blew it."

"Easy fix," Donatello said. "She's unconscious, just take the scroll and delete the picture."

"Dibs!" Michelangelo said, approaching her.

"Back off!" Leo ordered, pushing his younger brother back. Of course he didn't trust him to search this girl without doing anything weird.

"Hey, I called dibs!"

Leo gave Mike an angry glare, and he rose his arms, backing off. "Nevermind!"

Leo bent down to the girl, gently lifting her up bridal style, and carrying her to a bean bag that somebody had set down on the roof. He carefully lied her down on the bean bag, taking a moment to observe her.

He had to admit, she was beautiful. Not that he cared much for that. He was more concerned about any head injuries she may have sustained after fainting.

First off, the main problem at hand. Leo reached into her pockets, pulling out her scroll.

"Donnie," he said, tossing the scroll to Donatello, "delete the image."

Donnie caught the scroll in midair, and started it up to delete the image.

Leo reached back into her pocket, pulling out her wallet.

"Ya stealin' now, Splinter Junior?" Raph said.

"Not stealing," Leo said, pulling the girl's identification out.

Weiss Schnee.

Leo looked back up at the girl. This was Weiss Schnee? She was a lot more beautiful than he'd expected. And he had seen photos of her before. He'd thought he'd seen her before when he'd spotted her staring at them over the building.

Leo put the ID back in the wallet, and placed it back in her pocket. He quickly took Weiss' head in his hands, turning it around to look for any injuries.

"What're you doing?" Mike asked.

"Looking for injuries," Donnie said. "She could've hurt herself when she fainted."

"Oooh," Mike nodded.

She had no injuries. But as Leo set her head back down, he noticed the large scar on her left eye. His eyes widened as he saw it. He had never seen a scar like that before.

"Donnie," Leo called. "Is the photo deleted?"

"Yes," Donnie said, setting down the scroll.

"Come make sure she's alright."

Donnie nodded, stepping up to Weiss, and kneeling down to her.

"Why are we playin' doctor?" Raphael asked.

"She could have a concussion," Leo said.

"Guys, she's waking up!" Donnie said.

Weiss' eyes slowly began to open. Donnie held his hands in front of her, snapping his fingers in front of her eyes.

"Ma'am?" he said. "Are you okay? Do you know what city you're in?"

Mike stepped up between Leo and Donnie. "Did you see the video where the cat plays chopsticks with the chopsticks?"

Leo pushed him back.

"Guys, give her some air," Donnie said.

Mike backed up, while Leo knelt down beside Weiss as she looked at them for a moment. She was clearly confused, but not scared anymore.

"What are you?" she asked.

"Well, miss," Leo said, with a kind smile. "We're ninjas."

"We're mutants," Raph added.

"Technically we're turtles," Donnie said.

"And we're teenagers," Mike added. "But we can still have... adult conversations..."

Leo helped Weiss stand to her feet, and she staggered for a moment, before regaining her balance. Leo finally backed off, allowing her to stand on her own.

"You're... ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers?" she said.

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous," Donnie said.

"Look at her," Raph said. "She's looking at us like we're freaks. I bet that's why you took our picture, ain't it?"

Weiss stared at Raph for a moment. Of all the turtles, he was the one who scared her the most. Then, he reached beside him, lifting the scroll Donnie had set down, and showing it to Weiss with a cruel smile.

"Lookin' for this?"

Weiss immediately panicked as she saw the scroll.

"Nonono!" she said. "Please don't! I need that--"

Leo snatched the scroll from Raph's hand. "What did I tell you? We don't break things! We fix them! Donnie already deleted the image, you idiot! We're fine!"

Leo turned to Weiss, handing her the scroll. She took it, looking down at the scroll, and back up at him.

They had deleted the photo! How was she supposed to tell the others what she'd found now? Maybe she could sneak in a photo when they didn't know?

"Leonardo!" Donnie said, approaching Leo. "Sensei's gonna wake up any minute, we've gotta hustle!"

Weiss' head snapped up from her scroll, looking up at Leo in shock.

"'Leonardo'?" she repeated.

That name... she'd heard it before... and she thought she knew exactly where she'd heard it...

Leo approached Weiss, giving her a glare.

"Don't tell anyone about this," he said. "If you do, we will find you... Weiss Schnee." He turned to Raph. "We're on the move, Raphael."

Now Weiss knew for a fact her suspicions were true as she heard that name.

"'Raphael'," she repeated.

Raphael twirled his sais, swinging them in place at his belt.

Before Weiss could say anything else, Mike spoke up.

"Yeeeaaah," he said. "We'll fiiind you, Schneeee!"

He turned around to leave with his brothers, only to spin back to her.

"I'm sorry, that came across super creepy," he apologized. "We will find you, though."

Weiss ignored him, lifting her scroll as the turtles charged to the edge of the roof, and leapt to the next roof. She snapped a photo, and stared in shock as she realized she'd managed to get a decent photo of the turtles leaping in midair.

She took a moment to process all of that.

They couldn't be...

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