Chapter XXII

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Leonardo led Team RWBY to the Schnee Dust Company lab.

It was in a high mountain, so high that the top of the mountain was covered in snow.

Ruby shivered, holding both arms as they peered at the lab from behind a rock.

"Rub your chest," Leo said. "Your arms will take care of themselves."

Ruby moved her hands from her arms to her chest.

"You could have warned us this place was up here," Yang said. "Do I look like I'm dressed for this kind of temperature?"

Weiss, Leo, and Blake ignored her, all three ignoring the cold.

Weiss saw a truck pulling into the facility, with a large panel trailing behind it. She smiled as an idea came into her head.

"Leo," she said, pointing to the truck. "That's our ticket out of here. My team and I can drive it, and while you and your brothers hide in the panel."

Leo nodded. "Sounds like a plan." He turned back to the others. "Alright, fall in... quietly..."

The five stood up, silently moving to the gate. They stopped there. Blake leapt over the gate, Yang used Ember Celica to boost herself over, Ruby fired Crescent Rose behind her, using the recoil to boost herself over the gate, Weiss used a glyph to boost herself over, and Leo climbed up and over himself.

The five made their way through the outdoors as quietly as possible. Leonardo and Blake were the most stealthy, Leo being a ninja, and Blake having exceptional stealth skills. Weiss stuck by Leo, who guided her from one hiding spot to another. Of course Ruby was terrible at stealth, but Yang helped guide her along.

Soon, Leonardo stepped up to a door, and tried to pull it open. But it wouldn't budge.

"Locked," he growled.

"I got this," Yang said, stepping up to the door.

She held a fist back, preparing to bash the door in.

"That won't be necessary."

The five turned to see Winter standing nearby. Leo instinctively pulled out his katanas, preparing for a battle.

"I'm not here to fight," Winter said.

"Winter," Weiss said, "please don't do this!"

"I don't have a choice," Winter said, approaching Weiss. "Believe me, I know what we're doing is evil. But it's a necessary evil. Humans are evil, Weiss. We can't let them control this world any longer."

"Winter," Weiss said, "please! We can live as equals!"

"I wish I could agree," Winter said. "But I can at least assist you."

She pulled out a card, and held it in front of the scanner, opening the door.

Weiss looked at the door in shock, and back up at Winter.


"I may be using them," Winter said, "but I care about them. Not the same way you do, but I do. You can save the turtles, Weiss. But... please... don't fight this... just find a place to hide... because if you try to stop us, I will not hesitate to fight you..."

Weiss lowered her head. "You know I can't do that..."

Winter sighed. "I know..."

The others watched the situation.

"Alright," Yang said, "I'm just going to... Yeah! See ya!"

With that, she stepped inside, Blake following soon after. Ruby looked at Weiss with concern for a moment, but she soon followed the others. But Leo stayed by her side.

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