Chapter IX

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Weiss ran up onto the streets, and immediately looked around for where the vigilantes could have gone.

They had only left seconds ago, in the blink of an eye, but she doubted they could have gone far. They had to be somewhere, at least talking about what to do next.

As Weiss peered into an alleyway, she saw the chute the vigilantes had come out from. She looked up, realizing they had to have climbed up to the roof.

She rushed to the fire escape, hoping they hadn't gone far. Luckily, her prayers were answered. As she climbed closer to the roof, she could hear their voices.

"Did ya see the way I smashed that guy's head into the wall?!"

"He won't be eating for a week!"

"We were awesome, dudes!"

Weiss came to the ladder leading to the roof, and she climbed up to the top. She peered over, seeing the vigilantes. There was four of them in total. Their details were hidden by a light behind them, keeping them in shadow. But as Weiss observed the shape of their silhouettes, she came to the realization that none of them were human, or even faunus.

Her attention was drawn to the one standing on a ledge, looming over the others like he was some sort of lord. She could see the ninjatōs attached to his back, and could make out a bandana on his hidden face. She immediately knew he was the same figure she'd seen back at the warehouse last night.

She reached into her pocket, pulling out her scroll.

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" one of them said. His voice was deep, tough. "Like shadows in the night, completely unseen!"

Three of the figures swung their hands together for a high five, but came to a sudden stop as the flash of Weiss' camera went off. Her eyes widened in panic as she realized she'd forgotten to turn off the flash.

While the three that had gone in for a high five stayed in place, their hands in the air, the one looming over them glanced up at Weiss, his eyes widened in surprise as he saw her peering over the roof at them.

"What was that?" a younger voice asked.

"It was a camera flash," another voice said. It was younger than the tough one's voice, but older than the last voice.

"We know it was a camera flash, Donnie," the one looming over them said to the previous voice, who's name was apparently "Donnie". He was still staring directly at Weiss, and, though she couldn't see his eyes, she felt weirdly unsettled at the idea that they were staring directly at her own.

"Should we kill her?" the youngest voice asked.

Immediate panic set inside Weiss at those words. Maybe these guys weren't anything like she'd thought.

"What?!" a voice hissed, clearly not happy with the idea.

"With kindness!" the younger voice said.

That made Weiss a little less panicked, but she wasn't about to take any chances. She attempted to climb back down the ladder.

"I'll get her," the tough voice came from the roof.

"No, no, no! Raph!"

Suddenly, Weiss felt a chain wrap around her waist, and she was tugged into the air, landing hard against the roof, Myrtenaster slipping out from her belt.

Panicking, Weiss reached for her weapon, only for a foot to land on top of it. She came to a sudden halt, eyes widened in horror as she took in the details of the foot. It was green, with only two, large toes.

"Gimme the scroll!" the voice, whom the other had referred to as "Raph", growled.

"Oh, look!" the younger voice said. "He's doing his Batman voice!"

Weiss slowly looked up at Raph, taking in his details. This was not even close to what she expected. It was a massive, mutant turtle, wearing a red bandana, holding a pair of sais in its hands. It wasn't stoic, or heroic. It seemed more like a bulky, angry brute.

"If you don't give me the scroll," Raph growled, approaching Weiss, "I'm gonna--"


Weiss looked up to a water tower, and saw another turtle leapt from above, landing on the roof behind her.

"Back off, Raph!" he ordered.

Raph sighed in frustration, walking off.

"I only saw Batman once!" he said.

Weiss took in this turtle's details. This was the one with the ninjatōs. The one she had seen last night. Even though it was also a mutant turtle, this was more like what she'd expected. He had a stoic look to him, like a kind-hearted hero.

As she stared past his blue bandana, into his brown eyes, she felt strangely calm. She felt so calm, that when she picked up Myrtenaster, she put it in place at her belt, no longer afraid, though still very confused.

"Ma'am," the turtle said, "I apologize." He approached her. "My colleague here forgot to say, 'Please'. So, will you please hand over the scroll?"

Suddenly, Weiss heard a thud behind her, and she spun around to see a turtle with an orange bandana behind him. She started panting even faster, her panic increased as the turtle approached.

"Shh, shh!" it shushed. "Whoa, whoa! Take it easy! It's just a mask! See? Don't freak out!" It reached behind its head, grabbing the back of the bandana, and pulling it off, smiling at Weiss. "Right?"

Weiss finally couldn't take it anymore, and, for the first time in her life, she fainted.

As the world faded black around her, she heard four more words from the one named Donnie.

"Well, that went well..."

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