MIA pt. 2 (Revin)

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(Welcome back! It's a part 2!)

(The writing is actually better in this one- ALSO NEW SONG RECOMMENDATION- for listening to while reading this. 'Purple' by Hollow Coves.)

(Okay you can enjoy now! 💙❤)

Ritchies POV

My mind had actually been occupied with the guilds meeting almost every day this past week.

So I didn't have much time to wonder about Devin until I would sleep... which resulted in hardly any sleep.

Tired, I rubbed my eyes and continued on my walk back to the guild.

Once I arrived it was way quieter than usual, so already I felt cautious.

As I continued on I began to grow even more suspicious due to the fact that nobody was outside, not even David.

"What the hell.." I breathed, confused and a bit annoyed.

My cloak rose in the wind as a sudden strong breeze blew by, and I felt myself shiver.

Afraid I'd get something in my already bothered eyes, I put my arm infront of my face, blocking out any possible views in my sight.

But briefly after I felt my cloak brush against my back once more, I pulled my arm away from my face.

Something felt off.

Infront of me was a rather small individual, and their vibrant color of a cloak made me freeze.

"Sorry I left in such a hurry, Ritchie." he spoke.

His voice sent tingles throughout my body, how smooth and gentle it sounded knocked the air out of me.

"Devin.." I greeted, feeling a bit weak.

Not caring about anything else at that moment- I rushed towards him, embracing him in a tight hug.

I heard him laugh, humming as soon as he relaxed.

We held eachother for a moment before pulling away.

Though I really didnt want to feel his warm touch disappear again so I held onto his hand.

His cheeks tinted a suddle red when he looked away from me, embarrassed.

"How was your quest?" I asked, hopeful for a comforting answer.

He sighed, closing his eyes. "It was, stressful? But I managed to get it done." he responded, remembering his journey.

I hummed, smiling now that he was back home and safe.

"Did you just get back?" I questioned, remembering the lack of people on the island.

"About an hour ago actually, I've been here looking around for everyone but I cant find anyone" he explained.

"Do you know where everyone is?" He continued.

I looked away for a moment, scanning around for any sign of the others.

"No unfortunately, I've been in the city all day dealing with some things.. so I don't know much." I admitted, my eyes starting to bother me again.

"Seems they all ran away." I heard him say.

I turned to look at him, his eye a glowing teal color.

"You might just be right..though I really hope not." he mumbled to himself.

A sudden adrenaline shot through my body, and my eyes brightened.

"Let's do something." I interrupted, now holding both of his hands as I pulled him in the direction of the guildhall.

"What? But-" he stopped himself, his face brightening.

"You owe me" I teased, reminding him of his sudden trip.

"What about the others?!" He reminded me, worried.

"They're fine, I'm sure of it" I reassured him.

His smile appeared again and I thought I could melt.

"Fine fine." he gave in.

"I'll be going now, don't want to see all this lovey dovey gross stuff-" Eden added, Devins eyes returning back to their beautiful shade of red.


We escaped to the roof top of the guild building, a view of the bright blue sky infront of us.

"This reminds me of when we were back in Salode" he blurted out, admiring the clouds above.

"It does, doesn't it." I agreed, watching them as they slowly moved on by.

That night, I remembered how we watched the sky.

"Say, Ritchie.. what were you up to while I was gone?" He suddenly asked.

I turned to look at him.

"Nothing much, I was stuck working with Brandon pretty much the whole week." I mumbled, thinking.

"So that's the reason your eyes look terrible?" He questioned, genuinely worried.

I felt my face warm as I had been called out.

"Well.. the city isnt too thrilled on having us around anymore." I finally said, sounding disappointed.

"They say all we do is bring back bad luck, but I dont blame them. Though it does sting as our one and only job is to protect them." I continued.

Devin slowly nodded his head, and spoke in a quiet voice.

"The past two years have been hell, I'm sure the future wont be anything surprising at this rate- but we have to build back up our relationship with the people."

I felt relief talking about it with Devin, his presence calmed me.

Suddenly though I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

I turned my head to see him hugging me, his face hidden against my cloak.. and carefully I returned the favor, holding him ever so close to me.

"It'll definitely be a struggle at first, but I'm here to help.." he whispered, looking up at me.

I ruffled his hair, feeling overjoyed.

"You surely were a surprise to me Devin." I breathed.

An image of me almost killing him the first time we had properly met played through my head.. and I smiled.

"A good one?" He asked.

"The best one." I whispered.

He kissed me on the cheek when I said that, and immediately my face flushed from his touch.


The rest of the day I spent it with Devin, my mind completely ignoring the fact that everyone else had just vanished.

Holding his hand underneath my cloak, we walked around the island until we eventually decided to stop at his place, and inside, we caught up on a few things and such.

The day had already ended by the time we were finished speaking, so the stars were now in place.

I opened his window and together we sat, watching the night sky.

"I'm glad to be here with you and the guild.." he mumbled, his gaze stuck on the many stars.

"Really?" I blurted.

He nodded before looking over at me.

"The only person Ive felt at home with was Michael." He went on. "That was until I came here atleast. "

"I feel like I finally have a place here in Atlantide, here in this guild-" he paused, glancing over at me with a smile.

"Here with you."

My heart skipped a beat hearing his words, and it caused me to forget about my original response.

"I really.. like you Devin." I mumbled, overwhelmed by this emotion that made me want to be beside him every single day.

"I like you too?" he responded questionably, chuckling at my sudden confession.

- end.

(God I love these two. ❤💙)

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