A Do Over pt. 2 (Revin)

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(Oneshot doodles? ⬆️⬆️)

(This was supposed to be out yesterday- I'm a mess-)

(Also- the song 'We Don't Have To Die' by Sarah Barrios is my whole inspiration rn.)


"Eden, there's nothing." Devin mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.

It had only been a hour since they had somehow gone back to the past, and right now they were focused on finding a way to save Ritchie.

"Then you're not looking at the right books." His other half had replied, a hint of sass behind his tone.

"Oh-then what books am I supposed to be reading?" Devin questioned. "..genius."

"The one that raindrop was reading." He answered.

His response was so immediate, and Devin was a little confused.

"How do you know if Lucas is reading?" He asked.

Eden felt like pinching himself.

"I'm letting you know that when your busy being dazed or whatever, I actually like to look around at my surroundings." Eden explained. "He was reading something while flying this damn thing."

"That's dangerous.." he added.

Nodding, because he somewhat agreed.. Devin got up from his spot on the floor and brushed himself off.

"I'll just ask if I can borrow it for a bit.." he muttered.

"If that doesn't work then there's always plan E."

"And what's that?" Devin had questioned once he stepped over the mess of books.

"Take it by force. beat him up if he resists." Eden responded, a little too proud.

Shaking his head and letting out a soft sigh, Devin whispered. "No way."


'There he is.'

Devin thanked the one in his head and stopped to watch him for a second.

Lucas was there, steering the ship all while reading. He had hoped it would cure his boredom but it so far wasn't working.

"Hey Lucas." Devin greeted, walking over.

Looking over at the one now beside him, the God Slayer smiled a little. "Hey Devin. What's up?"

"Nothing actually, I was just-" he hesitated a moment before looking at the book in his hand. "wondering what you were reading?"

Lucas blinked, an emotion that Devin couldn't quite place on his face.

"Oh, well it's a book about powerful beings." He explained, tracing his finger along one page until he spotted someone of interest.

"This page is about someone named Ambroise." He paused, remembering his job at hand. "Uh-Here, you take it."

Handing off the book to a Devin who was a little confused, Lucas got back to properly steering the ship.

'That was easier than I thought..'

"Yeah.." the mage had quietly whispered, agreeing.

Picking up from where Lucas had left off at, Devin read along the page, taking note that this individual, Ambroise, was one considered to be powerful.

One who could cast a life threatening spell such as Fairy Law.

'This one sounds just like what we need.' Eden had remarked.

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