Brother Mode Activated (revin slight angst?)

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(This is after Devin confesses and before everyone has left Salode- idk the timing kinda matters but I didn't think too hard on it here so maybe it doesn't make sense BUT I JUST HAD TO WRITE SO THIS MIGHT BE A BIT ALL OVER THE PLACE)

(something needed to be posted here anyways..)


They were taking a stroll around Salode when they got to talking with each other, Michael would go on about how things were going with the plan on leaving Salode- and Devin was listening completely, though he seemed a little off to Michael when they were talking.

"Are you feeling okay by the way?" the god slayer was a little slow with asking, but he looked at Devin as if he was observing his behavior some more. "you're.. less talkative today."

Devin tried to play it off at first, to collect himself and appear okay on the outside. "huh? oh i'm fine!-" he couldn't keep the act up though, not in front of Michael at least. "I'm- well actually.. i could be better but I don't wanna say anything if you're not in a good mind space, y'know?" 

He scratched the palm of his hand at first while he had been mumbling.

Michael stopped right in his tracks at that moment, and Devin watched a little surprised when he walked a little ways away to sit on a random crate that had been along the docs. "Devin, you're my family- i'm here for anything you need." his expression was completely calm as he gestured to the spot next to him.

So Devin sat.. and he sighed before he started to speak up. "okay.. do you remember how I told you about my crush on Ritchie?" Michael hummed as confirmation, and Devin continued on. "well things are kind of awkward between us right now-

"You confessed?" Michael asked, and Devin didn't confirm or deny anything.

So Michael took that as a yes, and felt a little annoyance that tugged at his heart strings. He already most of the time found himself disliking Ritchie when the guild leader would do something stupid- and Michael wasn't plotting to hold a long grudge against him.. but he would have more of a reason to give him the cold shoulder now. 

"let's go grab a drink.." he muttered.


"Enough!!" Viper slammed his cup on the bar counter, his face being completely flustered and his speech crazy slurred. "I say we throw him over board!" he would hiccup.

Michael and Devin had been 'lucky' enough to actually bump into the members of Grimshade at the bar.

Allumos was already turning his head at Vipers behavior, taking another swig of his drink as he had to mentally prepare himself for the absolute chaos that was about to occur. "Who? Ritchie?"  He would question the dragon slayer with a raised brow. 

Viper would cheer, indicating yes that he was in fact talking about the hotheaded guild leader of Divinus Magia- his entire body swayed when he stood up from his seat just to get another drink, and every time he would be on the brink of falling straight onto his face Michael would hold him upright and steady, he was quick on his feet.. going from sitting down next to Devin then to Viper then his seat again.

Devin was actually wide eyed and slack jawed at how Michael would just vanish and then appear again and again, but his mind was very much off of Ritchie so this was a good thing.

"Yeah, Viper dear I don't think that would be a good idea at all." Allumos said his words with a straight face and squinting eyes. 

"Too damn late-" Viper was grumbling and then he was sprinting out of the bar, catching everyone's complete attention since it happened so incredibly fast- the dragon slayer was there one second and then he was gone.

Michael was the first to say anything after he blinked for a hot second .. while Allumos and Devin sat there in utter silence still processing what had happened. 

"so.. Ritchie's probably gonna die-"


By the time they got to the literal active crime scene, Viper was actually unconscious, and what had ended up happening was that Ritchie had hit him when he came running towards him with his fists up and ready- he went down with one hit though.. which surprised everyone.

"Does anyone want to explain why he just tried to attack me?" Ritchie was already asking questions, a puzzled look was on his face because of how sudden everything had been.

Everyone's body was tense at first, but Allumos was quick to start explaining the situation as Devin looked down at the non-moving body of Viper. "well.. Viper here may have gotten a little drunk, and I mean completely wasted- he went on about how he was going to throw you over board."

"I'm not even sure if he was referring to throwing you off a ship because we're on dry land- a bridge as of right now actually." he continued on with grumbling under his breath. 

"oh then that actually makes complete sense.." Ritchie was no longer surprised. "the alcohol is a lot stronger here than at home.."

Viper was laid out flat on his back while they were all talking. "I'm kinda surprised he went down that easy.." Michael mumbled as he crouched down to check up on the dragon slayer.

Devin piped up soon after, scratching his cheek with his gloved hand as he glanced away to not make eye contact with a certain someone after a certain.. confession had happened not long ago. "me too.." his nerves affected his voice as he spoke.

Michael shot his brother with a questioning expression at the sight of his behavior, but brushed it off when he noticed Viper started to grumble angrily in his sleep. 

With a sigh though Allumos picked the dragon slayer right up and put him on his back to carry him to an ideal place he could sleep to get sober. "which way was it to the guest rooms again Ritchie?" he would ask before he got his answer and walked off with the drunk one grumbling curses now.

The main topic of their conversation was gone now..

The silence that was between the three now was booming. Even though Devin hadn't said or told his brother about how the confession went exactly- it was obvious it had really affected him with how awkward and in his head he was right now.




But Devin didn't need to worry, not for long.

"So-" The first words out of the guild leaders mouth were completely disregarded by Michael, because the god slayer grabbed ahold of Devins hand and had dragged him past Ritchie.

To where? it was unclear by the looks of things, but Ritchie was left there stunned and Michael felt triumphant.



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