A Smaller Light (Revin)

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(Props to you who gets what I mean by "a smaller light")

It was early morning when the whole guild was awakened. A confusing sight greeted the blue haired guildleader and he couldn't help but shout.


The boy hiccuped, his now older brother awkwardly patting the younger ones back.

"So that's why he's crying?" Michael asked again, Ritchies stiffened posture a little ways infront of him.

- flashback time -

Devin had asked Ritchie the other day to wake him just before the sun had fully risen. The red mage had the day planned out for his brother Michael's return and wanted an early start on his baking.

Ritchie obeyed, so the next morning he did as what was instructed and rushed over to the others house.

Ritchies POV

I knocked on the door and waited for his usual groggy response..only it never came.

"He's probably dressing.. I'll just wait." I quietly told myself.

A minute or two went by.

I felt unnatural nerves creeping about so I opened the door myself, making sure to call out.


The kitchen was clean and the couch was empty.

"Well he's not downstairs.." I mumbled.

While I was busy thinking, a rush set of footsteps caught my attention and I looked above me.

The floor creaked the tiniest bit and I swallowed.

Slowly, I made my way to the stairs and walked up the steps, Devins bedroom greeting me.

The air smelled of a certain powdered pastrie and I smiled a little.

Devins attitude was always so friendly and warm so I often found myself in a trance somedays, the smell of baked goods stuck with him and I adored it.

I could spend hours just hugging him if I really wanted too.

Struck with such lovely thoughts, i never heard the stranger approach from behind me until I felt an annoying ache at the back of my leg.

I spun around, an irritated look on my face that quickly turned into one of shock.

I couldn't control the volume of my shout as it came out of my mouth and scared the both of us.

He let out a shriek of his own and backed away, crying.

My heart felt like it was beating at a hundred miles per hour as I spoke.

"Devin?! Is that you?!"

The little boy took his small hands away from his face and stared right back at me.

"Ritchie?.." My heart swelled at the sound of his voice and I quickly nodded, getting on my knee just to be at his level.

He sniffled, inching his way closer to me until he could hug my arm.

"I want em.."

- end of flashback time -

(Still Ritchies POV)

"He attacked me and I wasn't expecting for him to look so different.." I grumbled.

"So you made him cry." Michael blurted.

I couldn't help but look at him as if he was an idiot, when he looked at me as if I just commited a crime.

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