Stuck With You. (Mario n David)

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(Not nessacarily a ship but take this as you will and enjoy the every once in a while bickering.) 👋


"Sit down." Brandon scolded, the two bruised guildmembers infront of him.

Mario hung his head, looking away from the Devil slayer who had punched him.

"David." A voice spoke up.

Knowing it was Ritchies, David cursed under his breath, sitting back down to still glare at Mario.

The tension..somewhat calming, the two leaders stepped up infront of the guild again to resume the meeting, the others nervously watching.

"Now.. as we were saying." Ritchie started. "This meeting was originally called for an important issue in the guild."

"I wonder what that could be." Lucas hummed, squinting at David.

David just waved him off, shaking his head.

"It's Mario and David isn't it." Kit blurted, not really needing her leaders to confirm it.. since it was fairly obvious.

"It is." Ritchie confirmed anyway.

"He started it!" Mario yelled, the others nodding.

"Dont act like you didn't deserve what you got!" David yelled back, the others nodding.. again.

"Actually.. you both did things that lead up to the fight." Devin mumbled, taking a bite out of his powdered sweet.

"Yeah! David you reminded him about how he doesn't shower." Blake spoke up, crossing her arms as she tried to defend her friend.

Everyone froze, a shocked expression on Inmos face. "Ooh my-"

Turning his head to look at the other dragon slayer, Mario was confused. "What?"

"What?-" Blake paused, realizing what she had said.


"Can't take it back now." Brandon breathed.

"Yeaah, that definitely was an insult even if you didn't mean it.." Kit agreed, picking at her plate of food.

"Mario- I swear I didn't mean to say it like that-" Blake apologized, waving her hands at his vaguely familiar glare.

"We're getting side-tracked here." Ritchie interrupted, getting back to the point.

"My brother and I think you two need a space where you can get along."

The cat-like girl flipped a page of her book, her firey friend sitting beside her.

"There's always the vault!" She suggested, her ear flicking.

"Thats smart- I like that." Lucas nodded. "We can lock them up in there."

David stood up, the twins not at all feeling threatened. "WHAT?! You want to lock me in the vault with PEBBLES of all people?!"

"Well you're the one fighting with him." Ritchie reminded him.

"To be fair.. Mario did walk through David's flowers-" Devin said.

"ON ACCIDENT!" Mario yelled.

"-ON ACCIDENT." the red mage added, keeping his mouth shut for the rest of the meeting.

"Point is, you two need to really start respecting eachother more." Lucas butted in, putting a stop to the yelling before it somehow got worse.

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